how do you wear your hair to bed?

When i was relaxed i moisturized my hair before bed and then either wrap my hair if i wanted to be very very straight, or use some rollers and the put a sacarf on it )nothing special, just the first thing next to me). My results were good at that time, i used to wera my hair down the whole week looking nice.

Now that i'm natural i baggying almost every night or just moisturize with sedal for night reparation (bio-keratina). SOmetimes i'm just too lazy and sleep with just the scarf.
At night, I wrap my head with a satin scarf with the back out. I then sweep my hair to the side and put on a satin bonnet on top of the scarf. I also have a satin pillowcase that I always sleep on. Better be safe than sorry.

Lastnight I was reminded of why I go thru the trouble of the tripple protection. I fell asleep lying on a cotton throw on the couch. When I woke up, OMG, my hair and edges were a mess. :(
A satin bonnet. I bought 2 satin pillowcases at K-Mart yesterday so I'll be using those instead of the bonnet from now on.
I do 5-7 two strand twists or loose pony and put on a silk bonnet followed by a satin scarf on top to keep it secure (or just the satin scarf if I cannot be bothered to find a silk bonnet- though I prefer the silk next to my hair).
Since I just got a relaxer, I'll be wrapping my hair at night and using a satin scarf. If I'm bunning, I just tie my satin scarf around my hair. If I have a rod set, twist out or braid out, I just wear a satin bonnet. Now, if I'm trying to be cute, I sleep on my satin pillowcases without a scarf.:lachen:
Hmm. I must be a freak of nature because I tried the satin scarf and pillowcase thingy and all it did was make my hair as dry as the Sahara. I always wear a ponytail so when I fall asleep, its in that same ponytail, cotton pillowcase and all.
The only thing that works for me are satin pillowcases because scarves come off, bonnets kill your edges (you can hear hair snapping off in your sleep), and going bare headed is just crazy. You can stock up on satin pillowcases on ebay or Overstock for less than $10 for a pair. Here is a link to some pillowcases on ebay for under $8.

Really? I have never had that problem. What I do is turn the bonnet inside out so that the actual elastic is not on my edges. Have you tried that method?
I baggy every night. Consists of a plastic cap and a silk cap or scarf to keep the baggy on. Hair is in a loose bun under cap.
I moisturize and put my hair in 5 flat twists. All of my pillows are satin so I don't wear a scarf. When I do wear a scaft, it usually comes off...
Lately, I've started wearing my hair in a "pineapple" style to bed. I've done this for years, specifically when I'm planning to wear my hair down during the day and want to have a lot of body and curls. I put my hair in a high ponytail on top of my head (looks like a pineapple) and then I add a few rollers to the ends of my hair. Then I wrap a satin scarf around my edges (the ponytail part is still sticking out) and finish by putting a satin cap on top (so the ponytail is protected). The satin scarf also prevents the satin cap elastic from rubbing against my edges. When I wake up my edges are smooth, as well as the ponytail, and my hair is full of body.

If I'm doing a simple bun protective style, I'll sleep in a bun. I still protect my hair the same way as my pineapple style by using a satin scarf for my edges and a satin cap to protect the bun.