HOw do you use your Sweet...?

Stacy TheLady

New Member
...Sweet Almond Oil?

I recently bought a bottle of sweet almond oil and i love the smell of it. I use mainly coconut oil and I am concerned that using both oils in my hair will make it..well..too oily?

How do you use SWO? Can I just use it in my DC or pre poo?
I love it, I use it to seal my hair after moisturizing it at night. I am relaxed and it is just light enough and does not to weigh my hair down. I like using EVCO as well but it has a scent that sometimes I dont like. I have AuraCacia Organics sweet almond
I am the self proclaim oils and butters Queen! I use all different types of oils and butters. You can use your sweet almond oil as anything you want, I make a lot of my own hair moisturizers so I add it to my butter mix, and my hair pre-poos, add just a touch of the oil to DCs. I also add it to my butter mix for my body. I want to try and use it as a body spray I'm thinking of making to replace commercial perfumes once I have some time.
Does anyone know what the difference is between sweet almond oil and regular almond oil? I recently bought the Laxmi almond oil from an Indian grocery store but it doesn't say 'sweet' on it. I'm now wondering if this is just for cooking and not for hair?
i love sweet almond oil.i use it to prepoo and i put it in my conditioner (ao honeysuckle rose) and it makes it