How do you use your glycerine?


New Member
Hi ladies,
I went to Wholefoods on lunch & picked up some Glycerine.

Any suggestions on how to mix/ use it?

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well- i'm 100% natural but i dilute mine with either water or liquid aloe vera juice. You only need like 2 to 3 oz of glycerine to 4 to 5 oz of water or liquid aloe vera juice. put it in a spray bottle- i use it all over my natural hair after co washes as a daily leave in/moisturizer- makes my hair really soft. If you are a permie- i think permies only use it on their new growth to make it softer and easier to deal with- hope this helps.
I mix mine with ACV, lavendar EO, rosemary EO, geranium EO and distilled water to make a spritz.

How much ACV is in your mix? Do you rinse it out? Does it smell like vinegar?
I use this to clarify sometimes, but I always rinse it out.

No I don't rinse it out. Actually ACV rinse is usually my last rinse after a wash. It doesn't smell. Only when I put in the water and when I dunk my head in it to massage my scalp (helps remove all traces of conditioner residue from scalp) while my hair soaks in the goodness of ACV; massaging my head also helps with blood flow and hence nutrient delivery?). I do use lavendar and rosemary EOs in my final rinse too, so maybe that does help with the smell; although even when I didn't, once my hair dried, I couldn't smell it. In fact, my hair'd have a nice fresh smell. So if you're worried about smell, you can always add oils to the ACV solution.

For my spritz this is the recipe I use:
2 tablespoons (8 teaspoons/40 ml) apple cider vinegar
20 drops lavender oil
20 drops rosemary oil
10 drops geranium oil (or lemon oil if hair is oily)
Distilled water
1 teaspoon vegetable glycerine

Mix essential oils, glycerine and vinegar together in a 300ml spray bottle. Fill up with disstilled water. Shake well before use.

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I mix it w/ castor oil and water, shake together and then spray on my hair. It's my daily moisturizer.
I mix it with distilled water & rosemary eo and make a spritz as well. I use it almost daily and if my hair starts drying while I'm doing a rollerset, I'll use this mix to rewet it.
One of my favorite ways to use glycerin is to pour some into my daily conditioner bottle and use daily.