How do you trim curly hair?


Well-Known Member
I plan on not wearing my hair straight anymore. How can I trim my hair at a salon without getting it blowdried? I hate the look and smell of my hair when blowdried. I've done it SO much already. How can I get trims without using heat (blowdryer, flat iron)?
If you read Lorraine Massey's book it will tell you how to trim curly hair. It is normally done on dry hair, curl by curl which can get complicated. It is better to cut curly hair when it's dry than wet because when curly hair dries it shrinks alot and if you cut it while wet, you might end up taking off too much length.
Peachtree said:
I simply grab a piece of hair & clip the ends :)
(it's been working for me!)

OT but Yvette Nicole Brown (the chick on the right in your siggy) has GORGEOUS hair both in photos and in person. She is a sort of "mentor" for me, and the last time I saw her in Trader Joe's, her hair looked amazing. Very pretty lady and very pretty hair.
I trimmed mine into a V-shape while it was dripping wet. When I blowdried it straight it was pretty close, but need a little clean up.
I just comb down and clip a little.
In the hair salon they wet my hair and comb down/out and clip. I haven't been to a hair salon in years though :D
The good thing about not having straight hair is that it doesn't matter if the hair isn't perfectly cut, because it never looks the same from day to day anyway - some parts curl up other are longer and vice versa.