How Do You the Female Handle Temptation?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering:look:

I keep thinking about Chris Rock's line when he said that a person can deal with not chasin it but when it comes runnin after you you can't run that fast.

It's one thing turning down bums but it's another thing turning down winners....

Uh what do you do?
The only time this should even be a problem for a woman is if she is tied down to a bum. If you already have a winner who cares if another winner comes along?
Anybody can 'look' like a winner at first glance. It's 3 months down the road (once the representative goes away) that you find all the **** that your new 'winner' really has going on. And any man who persists after a woman tells him she is in a relationship is. a. bum.

Now, if you are tied down with a bum now - you need to ditch him first, and check yourself as to why you got with him in the first place - otherwise every winner you 'see' might be a bum in a Armani suit.
Well, I'm taken (married) so it wouldn't be that hard to decide....

I see it like this -- there are plenty of winners in the world and I'm glad I got me one, so if I do come across someone that seems like a winner, I will try to hook them up with one of my ELIGIBLE friends. Hell, if the dude is open to age, I'll try and hook him up with my momma.

Either way, I gots mine! :grin:
If I have a good man already, my only temptation would have to be lusting over another man, who is pleasing to look at; Which is NOT worth losing my good man (that's hard to find ) over!
I assume you are in a relationship? Do you and your partner talk about your daily lives? I say tell your man about your temptation. Don't necessarily tell him you are being tempted It might deter you from acting on your feelings if your partner is aware that the object of your temptation exists...I dunno.