Question How do you tag other people?


Well-Known Member
I'm just getting around this whole tag thing even as a long time member. I been trying to figure out how to tag another member in a discussion. Ladies how do you tag someone in a thread?
blueberry2118 If you want someone to view an entire thread you think they would enjoy or find useful, you would go to the top of the thread where it says Tag Users and click on the button then type their name. They will get an alert that sends them to the start of the thread so they can read it all.

If you want to get someone's attention only with reference to a post you're writing, then you would put @ right before their name without leaving a space (It's called "mentioning" the person) and the gets an alert that takes them directly to the post not to the start of the thread.

Otherwise, where the hell have you been? :look: