Please vote for my Colossus Cosplay!

Did y'all check out the thread in the hair forum? They are MAD that it may be extended to the 31st of this month. Lol

Sent From My Pheauxne
You can only vote once during this contest or once a day? I see some people said they voted 2x, I could only vote once.
Hey! I just saw my tag and just voted! As long as voting is open I'll keep voting for your! Best of luck! :)
You can only vote once during this contest or once a day? I see some people said they voted 2x, I could only vote once.

You can vote once for the duration, but some people used their friend's, mama's, brother', husband's, chirrun's, neighbor's and dog's facebook to vote too. I have no problems with this. :lol:

Also if you wanted to share the link with anyone else, use this one from my tumblr
You can vote once for the duration, but some people used their friend's, mama's, brother', husband's, chirrun's, neighbor's and dog's facebook to vote too. I have no problems with this. :lol:

Also if you wanted to share the link with anyone else, use this one from my tumblr

I used my brother, mother, sister-in-law, two best friends and both my nephews to vote already, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing the opportunity to vote again myself :lol:. Really hope you pull through and win this, best of luck!
So... voting is still possible??? Is there a new deadline?

Voting is STILL POSSIBLE. Wizard World said they would extend the contest for a month, but the other entrant in first place is trying to get them to change it back. Waiting to see what they do, but keep voting & sharing in the meantime!!! After she & her friends cussed the company out on their own page, this could go either way.

eta: sorry you didn't win :(, when I voted last night it was very close between you and the winner.
Hey friend, I'm sorry that you didn't win this one, but please let me know when you need my votes in the future. I'm always more than happy to lend my support! :)