How do you survive???/For relaxed heads


New Member
How do u survive the hot summer months with a relaxer??? I am 4 weeks post my relaxer and Its gettin hella hot here in roctown and my hair feels ewwww!!!!!:nono: I know i should wash it but it will mess up my regular reggie!!!! WHat I wanna know is how do you relaxed heads keep up your hair and hot weather combined??? Any tips?? Advice????
I wash (or cowash) my hair alot in the summer. Most of the time I just pin it up or if I'm going somewhere I'll just use my fake bun piece. I don't stress it one bit. If I'm feeling particulary ShiShi I might rollerset it or use my Caruso's for curl.
luckily for me..i had my touch up 3 weeks i'm strutting around with my newly fresh relaxed hair and straight edges and I LUUUV is the first summer in a while i have a fresh relaxer..usually i'm stretching the entire summer with nappy edges to match:ohwell:)

but seriously...

-braidouts come in handy these days. The more texture i have to my hair the better. its a great way to beat humidity frizz at its own game:grin:.

-flat twists in the front with the rest hanging out is good too.

- a slicked back phony bun is my usual as well
braidouts are really good for the summer
co washing is the best cause i love it :)
wash n go's are really what get me by in the summer.
I got my touchup the first of June so my edges aren't acting too crazy right now.

I'm co-washing it up, this summer. It's too hot for me to be wearing it down all the time so I'll take advantage of that for maximum growth retention.
yea i def wear my hair up more. I finally understand what white ppl mean when they would say their neck/head/hair was too And lot's of cowashing like everyone else said. If you don't have a fresh relax there's no point in really wearing your hair down cause that humid weather will frizz you up.
I have a very "sweaty head/ scalp" so summer is so dreadful to me :perplexed!

I love co-washes during this time:yep:!

I love Bantu Knots :yep:!

I basically co- wash, leave in, moisturize, seal, bun and go!!!! My edges look terrible because they get the first moist sweat but what can I do???

Stretchig is killing me....I want to slap some relaxer just on the edges but I wont :nono:.
co-sign on the co-washes. In the summer I find my self co-washing once a week and leaving the conditioner in and wearing it up for a few days to retain some moisture, then washing it again in a few days with a DC and straightening it to wear it down for a few days. If it's a couple of scorcher days in a row then I'll repeat the process of co-washing and leaving the conditioner on and so forth. I find a good balance this way. And when the NG gets out of control, it's consistent weekly braid-outs (leaving in condish) until I reach the 3 month mark then relax.
I live in California and it 100 degrees plus everyday boo. What I do is: I WEAR MY HAIR UP EVERYDAY! I bought a few little pony wraps from Sally Beauty Supply for like $6. It is scrunchie with hair on it. You can visit my fotki to see. All my up dos are those pony wraps. It dosen't damage my hair. I don't even use hair pins.
I cw every night. It's too humid to be fooling with my hair everyday not to mention I work out 6 days a week so trying to maintain a style would be pointless anyway.
I agree. I feel like it is way too hot to wear my hair down and blown out. I have been cowashing a lot and doing a slicked back bun or a wash-and-go (tutorial in my Fotki).

I also watched Traycees braidout video and have been trying that out lately. I can not do a braidout that looks right worn down so I usually wear it up in some sort of bun...which is even better considering how hot it is.

I have just been avoiding heat styles and pulling my hair up a lot so that it is off my neck and I can stay cool.
I agree. I feel like it is way too hot to wear my hair down and blown out. I have been cowashing a lot and doing a slicked back bun or a wash-and-go (tutorial in my Fotki).

I also watched Traycees braidout video and have been trying that out lately. I can not do a braidout that looks right worn down so I usually wear it up in some sort of bun...which is even better considering how hot it is.

I have just been avoiding heat styles and pulling my hair up a lot so that it is off my neck and I can stay cool.

I find myself doing this alot with the braid-outs too and I get more compliments when I wear it up with chinese sticks or a cute clip, I even like it better myself because it just looks textured and nice. Plus i can hide the ends which don't always come out too hot.
I cw ever night, rollerset and airdry. In the morning I pick the curls apart for a cute curly afro and I'm straight. I'm 13 weeks post. September 1 I will make up my mind on wether I should relax, texlax or transition.
I've given up on wearing my hair straight or down this summer. I'm doing a lot of braidouts and also airdrying in buns. I use a lot of cute scarfs and hair accessories to dress it up when I have to.
My staple is the high ponytail in the summers. It's a cute, flirty protective style. I'll post some pics in my siggy later. p.s. I soak my ponytail holder in coconut oil! :grin:
phony pony/bun. :yep: it's kept me during the blazing summer heat and also kept me from wanting to cut my "in-between" stage hair.
I live in California and it 100 degrees plus everyday boo. What I do is: I WEAR MY HAIR UP EVERYDAY! I bought a few little pony wraps from Sally Beauty Supply for like $6. It is scrunchie with hair on it. You can visit my fotki to see. All my up dos are those pony wraps. It dosen't damage my hair. I don't even use hair pins.

I have those too...they are super cool and cute. When I pin my rollerset to the side, they had alot of fullness for me.

So far, I'm trying to stick with co-washing at least 3 times a week. The last week has been phony ponys, but today I decided to treat myself and curl my hair with the curling iron. I use Chi silk and Infusion spray to help with frizz and Humidity. For the price I paid for my relaxer and cut at the salon :greedy: I should be wearing my hair out everyday.

I going to apply heat to my hair atleast once a week. This is really getting crazy, everyone seems to be afraid of heat including myself. This has got to stop. Ladies we spend all this money on straighting our heads; then never show off how beautiful our locks are.

Someone needs to start a challenge for relaxer ladies who want to show of their relaxers. No offense to my natural sister, If it works, then good for you. However, I'm having a lot of difficulty finds challenges or suggestion for all the sista's with relaxed hair.

Is it just me, come on ladies, I know someone else on this forum has to feel the same way.
How do u survive the hot summer months with a relaxer??? I am 4 weeks post my relaxer and Its gettin hella hot here in roctown and my hair feels ewwww!!!!!:nono: I know i should wash it but it will mess up my regular reggie!!!! WHat I wanna know is how do you relaxed heads keep up your hair and hot weather combined??? Any tips?? Advice????

Step up your conditioner game. I can normally go about 7 days average with a fresh rollerset. But in the summertime, 5 days max. Adjust your reggie to fit the summer months, girl.

I am finally wearing my hair out daily, after about 2 years of bunning it up. So now I pay attention to the dryness, and do more steam treatments, and overnight pre-poos. You can still look fly in the summer.

I am six weeks post right now, so my edges are still behaving. And once they start to act up, braidouts will be my next plan of attack.
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I'm also 4 weeks post right now and I have a lot of new growth already. I workout about 5 days a week and I cowash 5 days a week too.

I flat iron once a week after my weekly DC. That only lasts like 2 days since I workout a lot. Depending on my work schedule I pull my wet hair in one and tuck the ends under or I rollerset then wrap and wear it down
Buns and updos are my staples during the summer time. My growth spurts are during the summer so I take advantage by washing and dc twice a week instead of once a week. I did a touch up on Wed and have been wearing my hair down the past couple days but will wash and dc on Sat and back to the updos I go for the 90 degree temps next week.
I'm in the WIG challenge so I cornrow my hair underneath and sport me some short wig looks to keep hair off my neck. Remember I live in the Bahamas so it is really hottt down here.
My hair is too short for that so I just wrap it and gie it a curl with a cool curling iron. I have to wash it every 3 days or it feels nasty.:rolleyes: