How Do You Store Your Hair??? LOL


Well-Known Member
That sounded funny when I typed it, but I'm serious...LOL

How do you all store your wigs, half wigs, phony poneys and buns?

Right now, Mine are stuffed in a plastic bin. But it's hard to keep them neat and basically it's outgrown its current space. But before I buy another plastic bin, I wanted to see what others were doing.

I didn't really want a row of styrofoam heads on a shelf...might spook me when I wake up...LOL

Thanks in advance!
I keep the one I am currently wearing in my half-wig drawer (a dresser drawer with the wig, hair pins, and headbands)-I usually wear the same style for one week and then switch, the rest are on a shelf in the closet, in their original package so that I can read the color and name of each at a glance.
I keep mine on styrofoam heads, and the buns are flat on the shelf. The top shelf, in the closet, where i can close the door.
ok I haven't done this but how about a coat hook with like four hooks?

I use my ironing board feet (while board is closed up and propped against a wall) OR I use my protein shake container that's on top of my jewelry box so that the hair can hang-works just like a styrofoam head.