How do you Roux?


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on purchasing some Roux Porosity Control and wanted to know how you ladies are using it.

I've seen some members say that they mix it in with their regular conditioner and some use it per the instructions on the bottle. Also, how often do you use it? and what were your results? It seems like a pretty big bottle and I was hoping my porosity would be in check after one use :rolleyes:
I cant use it by itself. It makes my hair tangly. I mix it with ORS replinishing conditioner for deep conditioning once per week. Works like a charm!!:grin:
I cant use it by itself. It makes my hair tangly. I mix it with ORS replinishing conditioner for deep conditioning once per week. Works like a charm!!:grin:

When you DC w/ it - do you use heat or do you think that would be a no-no?
I have only used it once so far...when I was 7 weeks post-relaxer, and had lots of newgrowth. I used it after my DC. I let it sit for 2 min then rinsed out. My hair had so much slip, and was very manageable even with all the new growth.
I use it after I DC...after I rinse the DC out I put the PC on for about a minute or less, then rinse again.
hmm, so its sounding like a quick application/rinse could do the trick.

daephae - what does it do for your hair??

i feel like my hair will not absorb moisture so i was thinking applying before my dc might help. i don't know - thanks ya'll for replying. i'm determined to figure this thing out.
hmm, so its sounding like a quick application/rinse could do the trick.

daephae - what does it do for your hair??

i feel like my hair will not absorb moisture so i was thinking applying before my dc might help. i don't know - thanks ya'll for replying. i'm determined to figure this thing out.

My hair is super porous and was always dry. I had terrible dry scalp for years. Someone here told me that my hair shaft was not retaining quickly as I was adding it, it was being depleted. I needed something to lessen the porosity of my hair. It's helped a lot. I need to add it to my staples list.
Good question. I used it one time and it made my hair tangly as well. I thought it was a DC and so I used it as such.

Based on what I've read here it sounds like:

1. it can be added to other Dcs?
2. it can be an additional treatment to a DC?
3. it should correct the porosity issue after one usage?

If not, please correct me b/c I'd love to give this another try.

You know, I'm starting to rethink the notion that using it once will do the trick. From the ladies that have responded, it seems to be a recurring part of their regi's. I'm still torn about whether to use it before, after, or with my DC :ohwell:.

Good question. I used it one time and it made my hair tangly as well. I thought it was a DC and so I used it as such.

Based on what I've read here it sounds like:

1. it can be added to other Dcs?
2. it can be an additional treatment to a DC?
3. it should correct the porosity issue after one usage?

If not, please correct me b/c I'd love to give this another try.

I use it after I DC...after I rinse the DC out I put the PC on for about a minute or less, then rinse again.

I also use it this way. Except before the DC. Weekly. The weekly PH adjustment has helped my retention in a huge way.
I add it to my dc and use heat for about 15-20 minutes. I only do it every few weeks. If I use it too often I end up w/ alot of shedding.
I just bought a bottle of this because of its reputation, so i'm looking for some ways to use it too OP.
Okay I wanna make sure I understand this... using this product helps the hair retain moisture? I thought it was used during the relaxer process. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Okay I wanna make sure I understand this... using this product helps the hair retain moisture? I thought it was used during the relaxer process. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I am sincerely hoping that someone with more expertise comes in to give a more knowledgeable response.
Okay I wanna make sure I understand this... using this product helps the hair retain moisture? I thought it was used during the relaxer process. Please correct me if I am wrong.
The purpose of porosity control was originally for use during coloring, and perming (not relaxing) services. It would even out the porosity along the hair shaft allowing chemical process to "take" evenly along the hair.
So in short, it does both, evening out the porosity after deep conditioning, to allow moisture to be retained into the hair, and it can be used during the relaxer process, most likely for corrective relaxing, or for virgin relaxing, to make the application even.
Hope this helps.
The purpose of porosity control was originally for use during coloring, and perming (not relaxing) services. It would even out the porosity along the hair shaft allowing chemical process to "take" evenly along the hair.
So in short, it does both, evening out the porosity after deep conditioning, to allow moisture to be retained into the hair, and it can be used during the relaxer process, most likely for corrective relaxing, or for virgin relaxing, to make the application even.
Hope this helps.

ty for posting this. I had planned on applying it lightly to my previously relaxed hair when my stylist does a corrective in December.
Thanks, this makes much more sense to me now.

The purpose of porosity control was originally for use during coloring, and perming (not relaxing) services. It would even out the porosity along the hair shaft allowing chemical process to "take" evenly along the hair.
So in short, it does both, evening out the porosity after deep conditioning, to allow moisture to be retained into the hair, and it can be used during the relaxer process, most likely for corrective relaxing, or for virgin relaxing, to make the application even.
Hope this helps.
I have been using it before I condition but, because it causes the cuticle to close and lie flat keeping in moisture, I think I will begin using it after I DC. Thanks Ladies. I use it once a month.
Do any of you ladies use the shampoo as well? Just wondering because I have both the shampoo and the conditioner.
I've used the poo and love it. It works just as good as CON for me :yep: Soft and slippy hair
So can it be used AFTER the relaxer? I plan on relaxing this weekend with a lye relaxer (I haven't used on in years), then use a Aphogee 2 min before neutralizing, neutralize, then DC and THEN use the Porosity Control. Would that be overkill???

Please help a sista out!!!