How do you relax at home?


Well-Known Member
I have decided to start wearing my own hair after wearing braids for 4 months, but I refuse to go to the salon since I feel I am pretty good at doing my own hair. After reading many posts here I decided to go with a lye-relaxer, Creme of Nature's No Base Relaxer to be exact. I think that since it's a no base relaxer that means it doesn't burn your scalp as fast (somebody correct me if this is not so). Anyways, I think I may be doing something wrong. It's not straightening out my hair like my no-lye relaxer did, which gave me silky-straight results. It does however, make my hair manageable and after I flat-iron my hair I am pleased with the results.

My questions are (1) Am I underprocessing my hair by trying to stay within the 15-20 minute timeframe? (2) Will this end up damaging my hair in the long run? (3) Should I try to leave the relaxer on a little longer next time?

This particular relaxer isn't setting my scalp on fire so I don't think a few extra minutes would hurt (maybe 5-10 min. more?)

I have very thick hair, semi-coarse hair. I think I am a 4 something but not really sure. I was trying to post a picture today, but it's not working so if you want to see it I can send it through email

Also, for those who do relax at home, what's your technique for applying and getting it straight?

Thanks in advance!
When I relax I part my hair in four sections. Then I always start with a section in the back. I take small sections of hair and apply the relaxer very quick. I proceed to do that with my whole hair. After I'm finished applying I clip all my hair up for the rest of the time. Then I wash it out. I keep it pretty simple. I apply my relaxer with my fingers (in gloves).