How Do You PrePoo?


New Member
Heya Ladies

Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos?

2) How often do you prepoo?

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.)

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair?


Heya Ladies

Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos? - oil like alma or olive, vo5 conditioners

2) How often do you prepoo? once a week or once every two weeks, more with a lot of newgrowth

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.) I apply the product to dry hair and cover with a plastic cap. I then take a hand towel, soak it with hot hot water and wrap it over the plastic cap. Then I put another plastic cap on to keep in the heat.

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair? It helps keep my elasticity up when my hair feels a bit dry. The oils help keep my hair soft and makes it easier to comb my newgrowth.
1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos? I use whatever conditioner I am using and Alma Oil

2) How often do you prepoo?
Twice a Week

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.) After putting product on my head, I put a hot towel and a baggie on my hair and I may or may not sit under the dryer

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair? I don't lose as much hair in the shower when prepooing plus it is softer.

I have now started treating my prepoo as my dc so now instead of prepooing, poo and then dc I just dc on dry hair (prepoo), poo and then put a quick rinse in my hair and rinse out.
Heya Ladies

Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos? I use Tressemme or V05 Cons w/ honey and a oil.

2) How often do you prepoo? I prepoo twice a week.

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.) 1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos? I mix 1/2 cup on conditioner w/ 1/4 cup of honey and about 3 squirts of my fav oil..usually avocado or EVOO...Mix together then I zap it in the microwave for 10 sec..then apply to dry hair concentrating on the ends..put cap on..then tie up with scarf. I ALWAYS prepoo OVERNIGHT it is a must!!!

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair? Prepooing benefited my hair dramatically...I believe it is whats keepnig my hair on my head....MY hair is much much stronger... sheds less....and has alot more elasticity to it....all thanks to prepooing....and of course a few other techniques and products....Oh and u guys!!:yep:

4a Relaxed Fine/thin/color treated
Currently: APL (reached 8/07)
2nd Goal: BSL ( 3/08 )
Ult Goal: WL ( ummm aint no telling as long as I get there :grin:)

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1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos? I use coconut milk. I mix it with a little honey (a teaspoon), I've also used Aubrey Organics Island Naturals and Aveda Sap Moss Concentrate. They all work great for me.

2) How often do you prepoo? I do it every other wash.
3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.) Hood dryer with the coconut milk and honey or the Aveda Sap Moss Concentrate. Overnight if I use the Aubrey Organics Island Naturals.
4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair? It's really helped up the moisture level in my hair and tame my ng. My hair loves moisture..the more moisture it has..the better. It makes my hair less susceptible to breakage when I wash. The pre-pooing makes my hair more manageable...especially when my ng is wild When my ng is breakage is virtually nonexistent.
Heya Ladies

Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos? last time i used some tropical avocado conditioner. Any cheapie conditioner will do.

2) How often do you prepoo? Everytime I wash which is every 5 days.

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.) I just put on a plastic cap and sit with it.

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair? I definitely lose less hair when I wash. before I started preooing hair would be all over my hands and the sink. It will always be a part of my regimen.



my answers are in bold.
1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos?

I use amla oil, red palm oil, palm kernel oil, mowrah butter, monoi oil either alone, mixed together with glycerine or sodium lactate or aloe vera or mixed with conditioners

2) How often do you prepoo?

I prepoo every wash

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.)

I apply to dry hair and put on a plastic cap. Sometimes I do overnights or sit under the dryer for about ten to fifteen and then leave it for at least an hour.

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair?

My hair and scalp are so much better for it. I used to have dry, flaky scalp and that was eliminated once I started prepooing. It has helped me maintain my badly needed moisture. My hair is softer and more manageable after a nice prepoo, too. Love it.
Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos?
Whatever I have lying around plus castor oil for my ends.

2) How often do you prepoo?
So far, every wash-- I just started 2 weeks ago.

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.)
Hot towel(the turban for 15-20 minutes)

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair?
Absolutely! Don't sleep on the pre poos! My hair looks great.


Heya Ladies

Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos?
Usually protein conditioners. I mix some hair mayonnaise (usually Africa's Best) with molasses and organic oils. I'm considering pre-poo'ing with coconut oil more....maybe.:look:
2) How often do you prepoo?
Every time I wash, which is once a week.
3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.)
Overnight or sometimes with a hood-attachment.
4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair?
I don't see as much dryness or breakage when I pre-poo. I notice that no matter what I do or what i use, the minute I don't pre-poo--breakage central. I really need to stop washing without pre-poo'ing because my hair is starting to suffer. Its so hard when you're in school tho.:rolleyes:

Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos?
ORS Hair Mayo with some EO's and spices mixed in. Since I ran out of ORS though I've been using Queen Helene Cholesterol with EO's and spices mixed in.

2) How often do you prepoo?
Every time I wash my hair which is once a week.

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.)
Depends, most of the time I'll pre-poo with a hot towel or just have a plastic cap on. I NEVER do overnight pre-poos - tried it once and wound up severely overmoisturizing my hair.

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair?
Its definitely helped the dryness factor, and I think it also helps with not having the shampoo penetrate my hair follicle as much. Plus if I'm too lazy to DC (which I hardly ever am, but just in case) it helps to know that I did a little mini treatment beforehand.
Thanks for all the responses...Today I'm gonna do a warm conditioner and oil prepoo ... :yep: anymore responses?

Heya Ladies

Just a quick thread about PrePoos! Answer the following questions please.

1) What product(s) do you use for prepoos? Lately :Coco milk mixed with a conditioner I don't necessarily like....... In the past: honey or EVOO, my own mixed oils

2) How often do you prepoo? Lately:every wash

3) What is your prepoo method (hot towel, hood dryer, overnight w/ plastic cap ect.) Plastic cap and turban, no dryer....very rarely overnight

4) How do you think pre-pooing has benefited your hair? Stronger hair, shiner and smoother feel.It weighs my hair down differently. While shampooing my hair feels conditioned not dry and hard to touch. This gives my hair a great just makes sense to do it since shampoos can make my strands squeaky clean sometimes.....It also helps preserve my colored strands. I have also decided to use alsways use a Milky Shampoo from now on..... no clear poos for me unless I am clarifying



Good Luck and have fun experiementing...........I have been slowly getting rid of "excess" products this way.