How do you make "slip"


formerly known as "keyawarren"
What do you guys add to your great conditioners that gives them more or better slip? Is it glycerin? Castor oil? do you mix another conditioner in? What's the secret ingredient?
I think coconut oil does a good job of adding more slip, and I've heard glycerin does too, but i've never tried glycerin. But, if you try Herbal Essences Hello Hydration, that mug has tons of slip already.
"Slip" is exactly how it helps your hair detangle effortlessly/easily.
I know someone else will add to this....
Oooo - I need to learn something.

What is slip???

"When someone is looking for slip, they r looking for a product (usually a conditioner or leave-in) that will enable them to easily comb their hair while it's wet. Almost as if the comb just glides rite thru" -KinksNCurlz
Sometimes I add EVOO and Honey (usually to my thicker conditioners). Tresseme (sp?) conditioners give a ton of slip (for my hair, it can be so much that it's bordering on mushy)
I add EVOO, JBCO, Coconut oil. I used queen helen cholesterol (yes I'm old school) LOL I mix it with jherri redding natural protein treatment and my hair has tons of slip & my NG literally melts under the hair dryer ;)
A little Aussie Deep 3 Minute Miracle Treatent does the trick. I add a squirt to any conditioners that don't have enough slip by themselves.
Hmm...when i add oils to my cons it doesn't seem to add slip. Honey does sometimes. I think i may give Aussie Moist a try.
Oooo - I need to learn something.

What is slip???

It's the opposite of TUG when the comb won't get through. Slip is when the comb slides through like oooooohhhhhh.... no tangles. I get that with silicones and my oils. I tried other stuff, but it didn't work. Glycerin for me works as a humectant and my hair grabs onto moisture. It doesn't give me slip though.
conditioners with cones give me slip...Ausie moist is my new fav!...Also Lekair Cholesterol give me good slip too
Adding oil(s) to all of my secondary conditioners makes them perform better. Silk Elements Megasilk Moisturizing Conditioner (with extra virgin olive oil added) performed a "miracle" on my hair!
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I'm trying to find out..

Thanks for the advice ladies. Today is wash day and I'm going to add some honey and EVOO to my treatment.
Thank you for the edgucation ladies!!! I'll deffinatly put this thread in my need to know file (as I'm transitioning to natural and will need this info later)
I'm still trying to find a "slip" combo that works well for me. No luck yet. I've tried castor oil, coconut oil, EVOO and added them separately and together to Queen Helene cholesterol. Tried these various combos with and without heat. No slip yet. I'll get one eventually though, I'm not complaining. Besides, I'm enjoying the experimentation. :grin:
For me, it is conditioners that contain behentrimonium methosulfate:

Behentrimonium Methosulfate


Behentrimonium methosulfate is the mildest hair-detangling ingredient available. It is made from non-genetically modified rapeseed oil. This scientifically sophisticated ingredient is renowned for its superior detangling ability, without causing build-up on the hair. Unlike other hair detanglers, which are known for their irritancy, behentrimonium methosulfate is extremely mild, being recommended for use in baby products which are left on the skin. It is superior in effectiveness and mildness to its commonly used cheaper cousin, behentrimonium chloride. It is not a sulfate.
Silk Element mega silk and NTM conditioner gives great slip. I always condition for at least 10 minutes with heat. My hair feels like butter afterward
Hi BeetleBug. Where would one find marshmallow root? Is it an oil?

It's an herb. Here's some information taken from Anita Grant's site:

Derived from the Greek "Altho", which means "to cure".
Both the Greeks and Egyptians used Marshmallow:

  • To make marshmallow candy sweets
  • On insect bites
  • To soothe irritable coughs due to colds
  • Toothaches
  • Broken skin

Nowadays Marshmallow root water infusions and poultices are effective for:

  • Scrapes & cuts
  • Abrasions
  • Burns
  • Itchy Skin
  • Boils
  • Rashes
  • Skin, inflammatory conditions like eczema & psoriasis
  • Dry Scalp & Hair in the form of a herbal rinse.
Herbal rinses provide excellent slip and detangles naturally curly hair instantly.

What's in for you?
This sweet mucilaginous (aka: plant protein) rich herb has expectorant properties that strengthens the cell tissues and controls bacterial infections.

Marshmallow contains vitamins A and C plus natural plant proteins, mucilage (polysaccharides), starch, pectin, phenolic acids, sucrose, asparagine, oil, flavonoids, cellulose, sugar, glutinous matter and phosphate of lime.

For your hair:
Marshmallow is a medicated, conditioning, mucilaginous herb that provides an abundance of 'slip' which helps to nourish and detangle thick naturally curly, wavy & Afro type hair.

For your skin:

In addition to that, Marshmallow also boosts the skin's immunity at cellular level helping to minimize skin & scalp inflammation as well as fighting any skin degeneration.

Had a hard day?
Got sore achy muscles?
Are you going to take a relaxing soak in the tub?
..then simply toss a handful of Marshmallow Root in your bath, slide in & relax.

Recipe Time:

Herbal Hair Rinse

Use this nutrient rich rinse to replace the conventional silicone laden, commercial conditioners.

Great for those who suffer from an itchy scalp or dandruff.
This recipe instantly reduces inflammation leaving the scalp tissues soft whilst strengthening your hair..

Prep Time
15 minutes

Method & Ingredients:

  • 400 ml of very warm to hot distilled water
  • 10 grams of White Willow Bark
  • 10 grams of Marshmallow Root

1. Add the water to the herbs and stir.
2. Cover with cling film (Saran wrap).
3. Leave to let the herbs infuse for 10 minutes just like if you were making a nice cuppa tea.
4. Once infused strain the herbs and discard them in your recycle bin, and keep the liquid.
5. Pour the liquid over freshly washed (not conditioned) hair & leave it in, do not rinse out.
6. Dry & style as usual.

Use this herbal rinse as your conditioner after you shampoo.

It'll take about 4 sessions of rinses before you notice that the dandruff and inflammation have subsided, if not disappear completely.

Always perform a patch test on the inner part of your elbow.

The information contained within is intended to educate the consumer on the benefits of each specific plant derived ingredient and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or illness.


I believe that they sell it at health food stores. Here are some websites that sell it:
ORS Replenishing Conditioner is the only thing that provides nearly 100% slip for me.

Running in second place is Mizani Fulfyl Conditioner.