How do you maintain your rollerset while you workout?


New Member
I did a search for this but received no matches.

So how do ya'll ladies who workout maintain your rollersets? I was thinking doing some bantu knots, but thought that this would cause the rollerset to have dents after I removed the rubberbands? :scratchch Pincurls wouldn't work, right? At least not if you sweat as much as I do...

Is the rollerset a style that you can't really maintain while having intense workouts?

This is the reason that I have to wear my hair up during the week and out on the weekends.

Maybe you can try pulling it into a loose ponytail while you workout, allow it to dry and then moisturize and pincurl at night.

That might work!
I work out at home, so I just wrap my hair and tie a scarf around it and my roller set still looks nice or I will twist my hair up into a loose bun and put a clip on to it.
What about wrapping the hair, and sticking a few bobby pins so the wrap doesn't fall?

That used to work for me about a year ago. My hair has grown some since then and my butt hasn't been in the gym but I imagine it should still work. However, I'm not a heavy sweater at all so that might make a difference.
Sad to say, I haven't mastered this yet:sad: I sweat a LOT from my scalp so pincurling or bantu knots don't help.
I haven't found a way to do it.

I always do my "intense" workouts on wash days (Wed and Sun). I pin curl my hair on the days I do weights when I don't sweat as much.
Wrapping the hair is a very good idea. :yep: I didn't think of that. Granted, the curls will fall some (or may be non-existent) but at least I'll still have a style.

What about saran wrapping the hair and then covering it up with a scarf? I wonder if that would help prevent the roots from puffing up? What do ya'll think?
I used to pin curl my hair first and put a scarf on it, or put it in a high ponytail with a scarf around my edges. But I didn't workout so much that my hair was drenched either, so that may not work for some.
I just ruined a lovely rollerset. I even put my scarf on and pincurled the back before my workout. It was still jacked up by the time I was done.
:wallbash: After my rollerset died I oil rinsed and kept on truckin'.

I think it'll be easier to save my rollersets when my hair is longer. But when you have a whole lot of NG and your hair isn't that long, excessive sweat is disastrous. :ohwell:
I am not sure what others have said, but this is what I do.

First, I cannot really maintain the curls. But, I can maintain the straightness enough to use Carusos or Satin Foam Rollers. I just cannot wash my hair as often as others. These are my steps.

1. I put my hair in a high pony or up in a clip to keep my ends from getting damp. This keep as much hair as possible from my scalp and other parts of my body that will get wet.

2. Then I put a terry cloth handband that I got from Dollar Tree on so that is laying partly on my forehead to catch sweat and partly on my edges to keep them flat. I have to replace that thing often because it gets loose. I need it to be very tight on my head to keep things flat. I buy 4 and 5 of these at a time!

3. During my workout, I wipe sweat off of my forehead and neck as often as possible to prevent my hair from getting wet.

4. After I get my workout on, I remove the headband but keep my hair up and wipe off sweat from my forehead and neck again.

5. After I cool down and am no longer sweating, I let my hair down so it can finish airdrying. Does not take long. I do things around the house or read the mail or something. It is not really wet - just damp in some areas.

6. After it is totally dry, I either use carusos to get my curls back or use satin covered foam rollers overnight. Sometimes I have to do a caruso set and THEN go to bed with the Satin rollers because the Satin rollers don't always get me a tight enough curl after they have fallen from a workout.

7. Voila! Good as new.
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I am not sure what others have said, but this is what I do.

First, I cannot really maintain the curls. But, I can maintain the straightness enough to use Carusos or Satin Foam Rollers. I just cannot wash my hair as often as others. These are my steps.

1. I put my hair in a high pony or up in a clip to keep my ends from getting damp. This keep as much hair as possible from my scalp and other parts of my body that will get wet.

2. Then I put a terry cloth handband that I got from Dollar Tree on so that is laying partly on my forehead to catch sweat and partly on my edges to keep them flat. I have to replace that thing often because it gets loose. I need it to be very tight on my head to keep things flat. I buy 4 and 5 of these at a time!

3. During my workout, I wipe sweat off of my forehead and neck as often as possible to prevent my hair from getting wet.

4. After I get my workout on, I remove the headband but keep my hair up and wipe off sweat from my forehead and neck again.

5. After I cool down and am no longer sweating, I let my hair down so it can finish airdrying. Does not take long. I do things around the house or read the mail or something. It is not really wet - just damp in some areas.

6. After it is totally dry, I either use carusos to get my curls back or use satin covered foam rollers overnight. Sometimes I have to do a caruso set and THEN go to bed with the Satin rollers because the Satin rollers don't always get me a tight enough curl after they have fallen from a workout.

7. Voila! Good as new.

I like this method... very detailed!
Wrapping the hair is a very good idea. :yep: I didn't think of that. Granted, the curls will fall some (or may be non-existent) but at least I'll still have a style.

What about saran wrapping the hair and then covering it up with a scarf? I wonder if that would help prevent the roots from puffing up? What do ya'll think?

:nono::nono::nono: Don't do it... your whole head would be wet after doing this:yep:!
Thanks so much for all the tips ladies! Ya'll are awesome! :yep:

If anyone has any additional tips/suggestions, please keep 'em coming!! :grin:
Yep. You definitely want to keep your ends away from your scalp. Whatever is touching your scalp will get the most wet.

Something just dawned on me. I'm natural now, but when I had a relaxer I would wear my hair wrapped. When I worked out, I would wrap my hair and put on a scarf and make sure the scarf was very tight. Once I was done working out, I would keep the scarf on until my hair was completely dry. Sometimes, if the scarf was too wet, I would take it off and quickly put on another scarf while my hair was still wrapped. I wouldn't free my hair from the wrap in the scarf until it was completely dry. When I did, I would still have my wrapped style and, if I remember correctly, my hair would still be straight. The key was to make sure my hair was completely dry before I permanently removed the scarf.

Now it's been awhile, but I think this used to work. I don't know if I would risk it now that I'm natural though, but it does make me wonder...
Keeping a scarf on does work. But I read somewhere that if u r working out heavily all the friction will cause breakage.
I can get through my workouts without much damage by putting it in a loose high ponytail with a satin scrunchie and tying the edges down with a scarf. At night Ill pincurl or use a few flexi rods to give it some more curls again.
I put my hair in a ponytail. It doesn't matter if it's low or high and wrap the hair around the elastic to make a bun. I use a bobby pin to secure it. I tie a bandana around the top of my hair. So, you can see the bun in the back.

I sweat a lot when i work out, but i have found that if i do the above and come home and shower and let my hair dry COMPLETELY before i take off the bandana or take down the bun, my hair will be pretty much straight. It might have less curl, but it will look nice. I think the bandana makes it dry straight.
My head doesn't seem to sweat that much when I workout. I just pincurl my hair and tie it down with a satin scarf. I do keep a fan blowing directly on me and I know that helps. :)
How do you ladies get your rollersets to last until you even get to workout? My curls have already fallen by the same night.:ohwell:
I put my hair into a high bun and wear a wide headband while I work out. When I get home I take the bun out, divide my hair in half, apply coconut oil from root to tip, and wrap wah half into a Bantu knot. I wake up with loose waves in the morning.

(I don't flat iron my roots after a roller set so my roots are somewhat puffy from day one. I also don't wear my roller sets out, although they look fine when worn down)
Did light cardio and weights on Saturday. Put hair in high pony and then put a mesh hair wrap on under wide hair band. Didn't take down hair until dry. Edges stayed smooth.