How do YOU know your hair is growing?

signs your hair is growing

  • When my scalp is Itchy all the time

    Votes: 49 15.8%
  • When my scalp is Tingling all the time

    Votes: 25 8.1%
  • When I can’t ignore my newgrowth anymore

    Votes: 142 45.8%
  • When others compliment me that my hair is getting longer

    Votes: 94 30.3%
  • When I run out of products quicker

    Votes: 9 2.9%
  • When hair starts seeming “bigger” (because of newgrowth)

    Votes: 139 44.8%
  • other

    Votes: 55 17.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My scalp feels like something is crawling on/from it when its growing, then my hair starts looking big and getting hard to manage before i finally realize i have some growth
while tightly coiled...i can roll my hair out (stretch) and see my length up against my twa ruler.

"inch by inch as the months go by"....i wish it was one inch a month.
Am I the only who's old school/hardcore enough to whip out a ruler, pop that sucker at the base of the hair at the crown, stretch one's hair along side it, and letsthe almightly metric system tell me how much I've progressed? :look:

The shirt sounds much my hair grows "out" and not "down". :rolleyes:
My scalp gets itchy, my hair gets bigger, progress pictures show it, and when I stretch it out I can see it.
It's too early for me to see any progress from comparison pictures as I've only started trying to grow my hair out since the end of last month, but hopefully I will be using this method along with my progress T-shirt.
Other than that, I can tell my hair is growing because my new growth is getting 'poofier'. That ain't even a word is it.
Anyway, as I'm transitioning, I'm feeling more of my natural texture coming through as time goes by, especially in the crown area.:woot:

Maybe in three months time, I'll flat iron to see the length.
Am I the only who's old school/hardcore enough to whip out a ruler, pop that sucker at the base of the hair at the crown, stretch one's hair along side it, and letsthe almightly metric system tell me how much I've progressed? :look:

The shirt sounds much my hair grows "out" and not "down". :rolleyes:

I did that too the other day on my ng:lachen:! But the way I can tell my hair is growing is when my gray starts to show :wallbash:.
I didn't even know an itchy scalp was a sign of growth. Cause mine would be so itchy even after washing it and doing an ACV rinse thinking its just buildup or dandruff. But my dandruff is nearly non-existent since doing ACV but still just itches.

I can tell by this spongy mass of NG on my head right now and when my one little gray hair always seems to grow back despite rinses.
I can tell cause of course people tell ya. My edges begin to wave. My bun is bigger, my bun is heavier and I can feel my hair on my back not my neck :grin:
I voted for when my scalp constantly itches, when I can't ignore my new growth because it gets so big I'm aunable to pass a comb through it. I protective style so much that others rarely get to see my hair, but I will do a reveal in December this year for Christmas. Can't wait for the response from my family and friends.
I know when there's an *** of NG and I cant handle it, I take pics (sometimes it takes a while for me to register the difference), and comments from people.
Lets see:
  • When it itches like crazy even though it is clean and moisturized
  • When I can see hanging braids longer than they used to be
  • When people tell me "Wow, your hair is really growing"
  • When I look at pictures from last year and it was really short and now its longer
  • When i stretch it and think there is shedded hair hanging on and realize it is actually a strand that has gotten longer:yep:
When it starts to take longer to do styles that I used to breeze through. My mini twists for example, now taking a whopping 9 hours to do, when they used to only take 4-5:look:
I can tell whenever my scalp gets ultra tender and my hair does the opposite of what I want it to do.
The healthy itch and my hair is getting bigger and bigger. When I do my buns I am wrapping my hair around three and four times instead of two.
This sounds silly, but I measure my hair growth in relation to my nipples.:lachen:The longest my hair has ever been is touching my nipples in the front...sorry if it's kinda graphic.:grin:
Am I the only who's old school/hardcore enough to whip out a ruler, pop that sucker at the base of the hair at the crown, stretch one's hair along side it, and letsthe almightly metric system tell me how much I've progressed? :look:

The shirt sounds much my hair grows "out" and not "down". :rolleyes:
I measured with my b/f's tape measure last weekend :grin:

and I notice it's growing when my fro gets bigger
This sounds silly, but I measure my hair growth in relation to my nipples.:lachen:The longest my hair has ever been is touching my nipples in the front...sorry if it's kinda graphic.:grin:

yes, ALL national geographical lol
Crawlies. It doesn't really itch and it damn sure doesn't tingle, just feels like something is living in there. Oh, and my air dried hair get bigger. I always welcome the crawlies. I always get crazy looks though when I say I can feel my hair growing, but I can! Seems like I can even feel the hair strands moving out of my scalp. Weird.
When it just gets bigger .. I lose patience trying to flatiron it ..

When/If I go to rollerset get about half the mohawk done then change my mind ..