Well-Known Member
I know everyone's hair is different.Point blank.
So what happened FOR YOU to let you know that your hair was starting to do much better?
Or what are you waiting to happen to let you know that things are looking up for your hair?
I know this may seem unrealistic to some,but when i can start using direct heat and not sustain enormous amounts of heat damage on my ends,and when i can tug on strands of my wet hair and they stop snapping,i will consider my hair to be doing better
So what happened for you??
So what happened FOR YOU to let you know that your hair was starting to do much better?
Or what are you waiting to happen to let you know that things are looking up for your hair?
I know this may seem unrealistic to some,but when i can start using direct heat and not sustain enormous amounts of heat damage on my ends,and when i can tug on strands of my wet hair and they stop snapping,i will consider my hair to be doing better
So what happened for you??