How do you know if you have hard water?


New Member
I'm thinking about getting a shower filter for my showerhead because I suspect that I have hard water. I have my shower gels and shampoo in the shower and where the water has touched the bottles, there is this cahlky white buildup on them. Does that mean my water is hard?

My hair isn't very hard, but it's not as soft as I know it can be and I know that the products that I'm using should make my hair softer.

Pour your water into a glass and let it sit overnight (or 2 days). If it's hard, you will see particles and/or a white rim on the glass.
My husband has done that before (not on purpose
), and it looked like the bottom of the glass turned white. So I guess I have hard water. YUK! Shower I come!

Thanks Crysdon!
I'm pretty sure they sell kits where you can test a sample of your water to see if its hard. They could probably be found out hardware/home stores like Orchard Supply
I agree with the ladies above... I see mineral deposits in my shower in addition to the grit in the bottom of a glass of water left out over night. (Indiana has awful water.)

You also might want to try (temporarily) something that Sweetcocoa hipped us all to a few months ago-rinsing with distilled water (remember that water doesn't have minerals in it). See if it makes a difference.

I have hard water...but the distilled water didn't make a big difference with my hair-despite clarifying and a few other things. You may not need a filter.
I think it would be better (translation: cheaper) for me to get a filter. I have 3 kids and can't exactly afford to wash my hair with water I have to pay for! Although I wish I could!

Thanks ya'll for your advice!
I got a Culligan at Home Depot and it was easy to install. I think I paid about $20.00 for it. I like the results!
Does anyone have any reccommendations on water filters then? Home Depot, Walmart??


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Hi there, I live in an area with *very hard* water and have resorted to using a shower filter. I get mine from best filters (the Euro Hand Held one). It works very well. When I take my braids out, wash and condition, my hair is in really good shape - *much* better than using softw water for washing hair