How Do You Know If Natural Is The Way To Go?

Alpha Female

New Member
Ok, I've ranted about my hyperthyroid problems previously, but for those who don't know, it thins your hair big time! I'm in 'search & rescue' mode to combat the problem - went to a black dermatologist last week, trying his suggested products & regimen, and have to go back for a follow-up visit in a month. But I washed & conditioned my hair last night, and I lost enough strands to make me depressed! :sad:

Going natural seems to be the way to go overall - no chemicals, no damage, enjoy your natural texture, etc., AND it would help solve my thinning, relaxed hair dilemma. BUT, how do you know if natural is really the way to go? How do you know if you will like it - if it will be worth it in the end? It's a huge step to cut off all the relaxed hair and 'start fresh' - what if I don't like it?!?! Has anyone contemplating transitioning or completely transitioned from relaxed to natural had these questions? How did you come to terms with your decision - what were the deciding factors? And have you ever regretted your decision to go natural?
Ok, I've ranted about my hyperthyroid problems previously, but for those who don't know, it thins your hair big time! I'm in 'search & rescue' mode to combat the problem - went to a black dermatologist last week, trying his suggested products & regimen, and have to go back for a follow-up visit in a month. But I washed & conditioned my hair last night, and I lost enough strands to make me depressed! :sad:

Going natural seems to be the way to go overall - no chemicals, no damage, enjoy your natural texture, etc., AND it would help solve my thinning, relaxed hair dilemma. BUT, how do you know if natural is really the way to go? How do you know if you will like it - if it will be worth it in the end? It's a huge step to cut off all the relaxed hair and 'start fresh' - what if I don't like it?!?! Has anyone contemplating transitioning or completely transitioned from relaxed to natural had these questions? How did you come to terms with your decision - what were the deciding factors? And have you ever regretted your decision to go natural?

The only way to know is to try it out for yourself. Everybody's hair is different and in many cases going natural is like a crap shoot. You never know what you're going to get. I'm sure everybody who transitioned has had these questions. That's why many people transition because either they are still on the fence or they don't want to chop all their hair off at that point. You won't know if you'll like it or not until you see it. There's really no other way to tell. If you don't like it, you can always go back to relaxing. Your hair will grow back. The deciding factor for me was that I was tired of my stringy thin relaxed hair that was breaking off faster than it grew. It stayed the same length for a long time. It was always covered up and I rarely wore it straight since I only relaxed 2-3 times a year anyway. It was the most logical thing for me to do at the time. No I don't regret my decision at all.
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The only way to know is to try it out for yourself. Everybody's hair is different and in many cases going natural is like a crap shoot. You never know what you're going to get. I'm sure everybody who transitioned has had these questions. That's why many people transition because either they are still on the fence or they don't want to chop all their hair off at that point. You won't know if you'll like it or not until you see it. There's really no other way to tell. If you don't like it, you can always go back to relaxing. Your hair will grow back. The deciding factor for me was that I was tired of my stringy thin relaxed hair that was breaking off faster than it grew. It stayed the same length for a long time. It was always covered up and I rarely wore it straight since I only relaxed 2-3 times a year anyway. It was the most logical thing for me to do at the time. No I don't regret my decision at all.

i agree, there's no way to know for sure if you'll like it until you try it. Personally, the challenge for me was having short hair, not having natural hair... I never really "transitioned" I just cut all my relaxed shoulder length hair off into a little curly fro about 1in long! I loved it for a long time but then I did damage to it and because of the shrinkage, my hair never seemed to go past the bottom of my neck unless I stretched it or straightened it so I was ready for a change and I relaxed again...
Ok, I've ranted about my hyperthyroid problems previously, but for those who don't know, it thins your hair big time! I'm in 'search & rescue' mode to combat the problem - went to a black dermatologist last week, trying his suggested products & regimen, and have to go back for a follow-up visit in a month. But I washed & conditioned my hair last night, and I lost enough strands to make me depressed! :sad:

Going natural seems to be the way to go overall - no chemicals, no damage, enjoy your natural texture, etc., AND it would help solve my thinning, relaxed hair dilemma. BUT, how do you know if natural is really the way to go? How do you know if you will like it - if it will be worth it in the end? It's a huge step to cut off all the relaxed hair and 'start fresh' - what if I don't like it?!?! Has anyone contemplating transitioning or completely transitioned from relaxed to natural had these questions? How did you come to terms with your decision - what were the deciding factors? And have you ever regretted your decision to go natural?

Okay I did my big chop Oct. 2006 and had not used a relaxer Dec. 2005. I enjoy being natural, but the good always comes with the bad. There are things that I don't like being natural....knots at the end of my hair strands, the in between stage (which means hair is not long enough to do a certain style with putting it in a ponytail), I thought I would have a bit more curl definition to my hair, shrinkage (hair appears shorter than it really is), other people's negative comments. But despite some of these negatives, I prefer being natural...the benefits: no more long time at the salon, less money being spent at the salon, no more dandruff cause the chemical was still getting on my scalp, no more burned up scalp from the relaxer, no more being frightened of rain or going to the beach, a certain sense of added confidence in my appearance that has grown and moved in other areas of myself.

Make a list of the benefits vs possible negatives, read some of the threads pertaining to naturals and assess their concerns, search websites for possible styles for naturals that would suit you. In terms of relaxing, maybe you need to relax less, like twice a year..maybe a texturizer would do...But all in all, I love being natural
Thanks ladies...good pros and cons to consider. In a way, I know that no one can really know if they will like it until they do it, but you still want to make an 'informed' decision.

Bumping for more replies....this Board is at least half natural, maybe more. Surely there are others who went through a logical, methodical thought process in making the transition from relaxed to natural!

When i was relaxed -
1. My scalp got burnt badly during every relaxer - no matter how quickly i had it washed out. I have a very sensitive scalp.
2. The scabs afterwards were ridiculous and i would scratch until they bled.
3. My scalp was full of 'cakey' dandruff all the time.
4. My hair always seemed lank - no body it it
5. Always in a pony tail.
6. It was always breaking and was very very dry at the ends no matter what i did.
7. It sweated out easily so there was no pint in having a nice hair cut.

Due to my natural texture I transitioned unsuccessfully and had enough of the birds nest on top of head so i had it all shaved off to less than an inch long)
To be honest it really suited me but i yearned for long natural hair like my Mum. She was my inspiration. She stopped relaxing 4 years ago and is technically still transitioning as she has never officially chopped off the relaxed ends.

I thought my hair would be the same as her's.

I was wrong.

My Mum is a 3b i would say with very thick strands - i think they're made of teflon as nothing has an adverse effect on her hair.

I'm more of a 4a with a very silky texture with spirals. Thin strands but lots and lots of hair.

Looking after my hair is not what i thought it would be. The spirals look pretty but that's just about it - because of them my hair breaks easily and its very very dry.

18 months later i still can't put all of it into a ponytail. I don't know why as its clealy growing - its the darn spirals. Trying to keep the front flat is impossible.

It seems like wash and go's is the only thing my hair can deal with but that means wet hair all of the time. Dripping when i get out of the shower and for the next 2 hours....i think the water travels slowly down the curls and it takes forever to dry.

At night i'm going to bed in a plastic bag on my head covered in a scarf and its not attractive - my poor boyfriend doesn't know what to think! :ohwell:

I can't go back to relaxing and natural (for me) is turning into a battle....