How Do You Know If He/She Is The One?


I've been wondering about it for a long time, i've asked various amount of people and now am curious to find out what your opinions are…

How do you know if he/she is the one for you?
It's so difficult to articulate it properly because it's mostly a feeling.

Some tangible things though were when I knew that we had the exact same value system, both wanted the same things from life, were on the same timetable, etc.

But it was mostly when I knew that I could never be with another person in this way. Sure, I can go on, have other relationships but I know that I will never have emotions this strong for another man as long as I live. No way was I going to let this pass me by.
Perhaps I never met "the one" but so far I don't believe in this mystical feeling of "the one." I think there are many "the ones."
It's a matter of making a decision and moving forward with someone that makes you happy.

IDK pretty simple to me....
I'm not sure I believe in 'The One' anymore.:ohwell: Long story:look: But I agree that it's more of a feeling that's not always easy to articulate.:perplexed

I know there's something special when I want to spend all my time with someone. I get tired of people that aren't my family or close friends pretty easily.:look: So it means something when I can spend all day talking with someone talking about anything.:spinning:

When we agree on core values--importance of family, education etc., have similar tastes and it seems like our minds connect. I haven't had that feeling in some time.:nono:
For me, it just felt right. For the first time I didn't have any doubts or insecurities about a relationship. I just knew. I had been in love before but he was the first man I could see sharing a lifetime.
I don't believe in "The One". That may be because I haven't met "the one". I'm in a happy long term relationship with "the one I plan to be with for the rest of my life" but I don't consider him the One. I could live my life without him (but I wouldn't want to :() crazy illogical emotions (purely logical). He makes me happy, I make him happy, we're good to one another, and we grow together...that's what makes him the one...not all these butterflies hearts and unicorns.
I don't believe in "the one". Just who you are most compatable with and who you wouldn't mind doing life with. :-/
It's a feeling. And for as many people as you ask, you'll receive as many different answers.

There's a comfort, a connection, a feeling of safety and an intrinsic "knowing" that this person is the one. (And I'm of the mind that there are many "the ones")
I think when you meet "the one" or the "right 'one'" you wouldn't ask that question.