How do you keep your hair moisturized under a lace front wig?


New Member
How do you keep your hair moisturized under a lace front? I ordered one and I was hoping there was an alternative to the baggie method. I was thinking about wrapping plastic around my head, but is that too extreme? I dunno. Let me know what to do.
bellydancer said:
How do you keep your hair moisturized under a lace front? I ordered one and I was hoping there was an alternative to the baggie method. I was thinking about wrapping plastic around my head, but is that too extreme? I dunno. Let me know what to do.
I use scurl, and my essential oil mix to moisturize my hair....
When I was wearing mine. I put some oil in applicator bottle and carefully lifted up the back enough so that I could access the whole head and squirt some oil or leave in onto my hair daily...

I would think that the baggie or plastic would get too hot especially now that it is summertime...
oh ok. I guess I can do that. I like S curl so I might just use that. Hey D. Shy. HOw do you wear your hair under the lace front? Braided? Wrapped?

you braid yours, right? carmend?
Yep my hair was braided back in 8 braids going straight back. I eventually added a 9th braid at the nape going horizontal b/c the wig fit better than it did w/all those braids being bent over and tucked up right at the nape.... I also found it easier to actual use a lil weave thread and actually sew the braids down.... just a little. That helped keep them from unraveling and made it easier to put the wig on b/c I didnt have to try and hold them down w/one hand while placing the wig w/the other....
bellydancer said:
oh ok. I guess I can do that. I like S curl so I might just use that. Hey D. Shy. HOw do you wear your hair under the lace front? Braided? Wrapped?

you braid yours, right? carmend?
when im lazy i just put it in a baggie...and put it in one braid..

when Im not lazy I cornrow my hair into small braids and than tie my ends up by my braids so they dont show in the back. and thats about it