how do you keep your flat ironed style up to a week or longer?


Well-Known Member
I am working on day 4 of this flat ironed stye. Last night I sparingly applied some jbco to my fingertips and massaged it in my scalp. I want to at least make it till this Saturday without washing it if I can. I have some backups such as dry shampoo if it looks to greasy but I want to see if you experts have secrets to maintain the flat ironed look without it looking too stringy or greasy. Also I feel my hair looks a tad dry due to this hot humid weather in my area. How do some of you even make it last for 2 weeks or longer? I do wrap my hair every night when I flat ironed. I welcome any suggestions! :yep:
I can make mine last 2 weeks but after 10 days or so my scalp is itchy so I breakdown and wash it. I'm on day 4 of my current flat iron.

I put my hair in 2 braids every night and roll the braids on satin covered foam rollers. It gives me wavy hair with curled ends. By the end of the day the waves are pretty much gone but the ends are still curled.

Every few nights before I braid, I moisturize with a little DB daily leave in conditioner.

I workout 5-6 days a week so my roots revert, but the rest of my hair stays straight. I like it better when the roots revert because it's not so flat.
I moisturize my ends only with hello hydration mixed with aloe juice. I cross wrap at night or sleep in flexirods for loose curls. I use dry shampoo when ny hair starts feeling heavy. I always sleep in a satin scarf or bonnet and I wear a shower cap when I shower/take baths
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