how do you get twists that are not fuzzy?


I've tried to do two stand twists on wet and dry hair, They always come out frizzy. A friend of mine says it's because my hair is too curly. It can't be, because some of you ladies rock twists and you have curly hair. Can you please give me some twist tips? I don't know what products would work for hair that is half natural and half relaxed.
I redid a few twists in the front of my head the other day with Murray's Cream Beeswax and the twists were very smooth. When I untwisted, my twistout in the areas where I used the cream was much more defined. It can give your hair a white appearance so I think mixing it with a little oil would make it better.
no, it's not b/c your hair is too curly. I have noticed that when I twist dry, w/ a non-water soluble product (oyin shea butter,oil,long time ago used let's jam) It doesn't frizz. My hair is curly, frizzy, nappy, whatever you want to call it. I also wrap up my hair every night w/ a satin wrap, and have a satin pillowcase. Plus when I wear hats, I put my satin wrap on first, or I will wear my satin lined hat. I like the fuzz,frizz so I let my shower plump them up daily and I spritz w/ a water based leave-in. I have noticed that the shower steam won't really bother your twists too much as far as frizz, if you aren't touching it all the time. I have hif (hand in fro) disease :) Good luck to you. I would also suggest trying to embrace the frizz. As a natural, you are gonna have it! :)
Yeah my hair is straight up nappy and I get the fuzzies, it's not becuz your hair is curly. To avoid this I either a) straighten my hair slightly before twisting using a flat iron or b) use curl wax on each twist to seal it and prevent fuzziness. I think the curl wax might work best for you since you are partially relaxed, the straightening option might not work too well. If you use the curl wax only use a little. It has petroleum in it but it preserves my twist longer. Oh and definitely make sure you moisturize before using the curl wax.
I make sure to finger detangle my hair throughly before each twist, it makes the process take a tad while longer, but it pays off in silky smooth twists. I have more of a problem with puffy roots, but that's a whole nother post.

I also concur with whoever mentioned using a non water based product. Ifind my twists have better form and hold when I use Avocado or hemp butters. I've even heard of women using honey mixed with an oil for twists, but I have not tried this myself.

Keeping the hair taut and smooth during the twist process cuts down on frizz as well. While twisting a section, I smooth it periodically to keep all the hair in the same direction and "flat".

Hope this helps somewhat.
jtsupanova said:
Curl wax interesting? Is it a specific brand? Elasta Qp maybe....
Does it contain water?

No, it has no water it is not moisturizing at all. I use cheap old ampro curl wax. You can get a small container of it for a little over $1 so if you don't like it you're not out of much money.
Do not use alot though because it can cause
jtsupanova said:
Thanks I am going to check that out

btw I took a look at you album and your twist are beautiful!

Thanks!!!! I also forgot to mention that sometimes spritzing them with a little water and tying them up helps. But it will only work for the top layer of twists.
I'll try some of these suggestions soon. I find the hair that is natural actually look better than the relaxed. :ohwell: I wish i had the skills some of you ladies have.
Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter is nice for twists. It contains beeswax which I think helps make the twists smooth and shiny.