How do you get rid of the smell of Wild Growth Hair Oil?


New Member
This is by far, one of the mot moisturizing oils that I have used. I tried it diluted with olive oil and undiluted and it is even more potent and works best on my hair when undiluted. Unfortunately, it also stinks to high heaven! It smells like urine.

When I added lavender oil to my olive/WGHO mix it smelled good, like olive oil. When I added lavender oil to the regular WGHO it still had that undersmell of urine. I worked around a lot of folk that will smell that ish with a quickness. I dont want to perpetuate the myth of the black woman with the funky hair! :lachen:

What can I do to get rid of the smell with the undiluted WGHO? Thanks in advance.

I am using it, by the way, on my wet hair after a wash. My hair has not felt this good in a long time. It will be a keeper if I can do something about the smell. Between this and MTG, I will reek! :(
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No reply? Is it possible that all of the WGHO users are walking around smelling like urine?! :eek: Egads. I hope that someone who is aware of the smell and has done something about it responds. :lachen:
when i was using it, i never really noticed the musta been walking around funky headed....

I would probably suggest looking at the MTG recipes and just adding what they add.
This is funny. When I first started using it, the smell made me wanna vomit. It was really disgusting. But for some reason, it doesn't bother me anymore.
Not sure why...acquired smell I guess :lol:
However, I did try putting different things in it to see what effect it'd have on the odor. I put peppermint oil in it, and it smelled like EVOO with a hint of mint. It was definitely bearable. So I would say get a bottle of peppermint essential oil and try that. Lavendar would have been my first suggestion since it's feminine smelling, but you've been there and tried that.

Give the peppermint a go...maybe you could mix Hot 6 or Botanic Oil, or Kemi Oyl into it. Those oils may mask the "urine" smell of the WGO. :lol: Good luck!
Thanks to all of you for your replies. I guess I will have to go the "minty" route again as I did with MTG. :ohwell: :( :cool:

I also put it in when my hair was wet and damp. I am scurred to think of what it would have made my dry hair smell like! :lachen: