Beauty Tips For Those With Wild Growth Oil


Well-Known Member
So like the PJ that I am, las December, I bought the two bottles of WGHO that everyone was raving about (still in my closet untouched). During my purchase I noticed a newspaper entitled "The Wild Growth Defender" and I laughed :lachen:, picked it up (It was free) and thought interesting they have their own little newspaper too. The newspaper (4-5 pages) mainly had reviews and testimonials from woman who had used the oil and seen success. Anyway a part of the newspaper also gave "beauty tips" on how too use the oil. I have had the paper so long and since joining this site I dont have much to share so I thought this would be something I can contribute. Though many may already have an idea of using this oil maybe these tips can benefit others that dont. If anything you can copy and paste the tips into your personal hair journal, like I've done with some tips I've seen on this site :look: just in case. Im sure the tips can also be used for other products as well :grin:. (Typed as printed on paper)

Hot Oil Treatment With WGHO
Your hair has just been through the rough summer months. The blistering heat drying it out before it ever had a chance. Not to mention the chlorine damage from swimming pools you had to go in just to survive the heat. Now it is fall and your hair has a minute to take a breather before it gets to the cold dry winter months. Your hair needs some moisture! If you already have naturally dry hair then you are in dire need of a hot oil treatment.

1. Fill a sink or bowl with hot water.
2. Add 2o drops of WGHO to the water.
3. Make sure you can comfortable rest your hair in the water for approx. 10 mins. so get a chair, a magazine and a shower cap for later
4. Put your hair in the hot water with WGHO oil and allow to soak for 10 mins
5. Gently squeeze the excess water out of your hair with yor hands, dont use a towel yet.
6. Put your hair in the shower cap and blow dry hair for 5 mins. Keep blow dryer about a foot away so as not to overheat your shower cap.
7. Take off shower cap and gently wring out any extra water.
8. Braid and or Wrap hair and let air dry
Continued (Again typed as printed in paper):

For That Straight Look
there are times when you want that sleek straight look but dont want to risk burning your hair with heat. for those with course curly hair apply WGHO while the hair is still wet from washing and using a soft bristle brush apply WGHO to the scalp and the first few inches of the hair closest to the scalp then brush the hair on the top of your head smooth.

Take a hair band and tie your hair back. If your hair is less than SL take 4 hair bands and seperate your hair in 4 sections starting with dividing your hair down the center and then divide both sides into one top and ine bottom. Then tie a hair band making sure the hair band does not put stress on the hair. Sally's has Silicone rubber bands which are the best kind for the hair. Before you tie the bands on, brush hair close to the scalp to make the hair as smooth as possible and then tie the band .

Braid each section and secure the ends with either another hair band or with hair curlers. Then wrap a scarp over your hair for half an hour. Temove the scarf and allow the hair to air dry. In the evening wrap the scarf around your head. The next morning unbraid your hair and your hair should be soft and sleek with a straight look and wavy hair. If needed reapply the WGHO to smooth any strands of free flying hair.

Its that Time of Year Again...When the joys of the holidays fill our hearts and the dry air cracks our ends

Before you wash your hair, apply a quarter sized amount of WGHO to the ends of your hair. This amount can be more or less depending on how much hair you have and how dry you hair is. Then take plastic wrap and wrap your ends, leave it for 30 mins, a nice remedy for the holiday blues.

Thats all the tips. I havent personally used them yet, I havent even used the product yet :perplexed, like I said I'm a PJ so I'm using various products, guess I'm waiting for the right time to use this oil. After typing this I've realized that these tips are already being utilized by quite a few using other products (also noticed alot of typos in this paper) but again hopefully they will benefit some who dont know how to use the products they have.
This sounds nice. I have WGO and will try this out. Although the WGO I have has been altered a little by me adding a little more things to it.
I actually like the WGO. My sister used some on me about two weeks ago, and surprisingly, I think it actually does great. I want to try this!!
WHGO makes your hair soft, but ladies don't overuse. It builds up quickly since its so thick.

In the instructions on the bottle, it tell you to use ten drops for a handful of hair and i use that much, sometimes a little less. I don't really like using it on wet hair unless its on the hair closer to my scalp. If you're baggying, this is a great sealer.

I've used WGO for years, but not often on my hair when its worn out. I used it more often when I wore weaves. I know it helped to GROW my hair TREMENDOUSLY (so much so that I posted testimonials on their site), but I've never used this as a treatment. It sounds interesting though, I think I'll try this.