How do you get over someone..


Active Member
you didn't even date?:look:

I wrote about him in the Off Topic forum a while back. He's a guy that I worked with this summer; a guy that I was intimidated by because he had a lot going for himself. I really think that us being attracted to each-other, and me being intimidated by him kind of made it hard for us to even develop a real friendship. I was always very nervous and awkward around him, I guess because I liked him so much, but anyway..

On the last day of work(the job was temporary) we had a party and a few people that I developed friendships with came over to our department. There was one guy I was really cool with, so we stood there, a few feet away from my crush, and talked for a while and even exchanged numbers. I went back to their department to get more food(lol) and returned back to my desk and sat down and ate. I was back there in the area by myself, so I thought to myself how it would be a perfect time for him(my crush) to come over and say bye or exchange numbers or something...but he never did. I ended up having to go to him when it was time to leave and turn in my time sheet. We talked a bit then, but I was hurt that he wasn't going to even come back there and tell me goodbye. I mean this was someone who came outside with another co-worker and I everyday to talk, and to not say goodbye to me was odd.

About a week later I sent him a message on myspace asking if I could use him as a reference and I tried to joke a bit asking if he remembered me. He sent a message back saying I could use him, and that was that.

It's a month later, and I'm still trying to figure out what his weird behavior on the last day was about, and I'm also still trying to figure out why I'm still thinking about him?? I've never had a boyfriend, and never really thought about a relationship until now, so I'm just wondering if I'll either a). see him again, or b). meet someone just as sweet and charming as he was.

btw he's a scorpio, if that helps any.