How do you get back your natural color?


New Member
For those that have highlited or dyed and want to get back to there natural color, is there any way to do this without growing it out. I mean if you find a permanent color that is pretty close, can you use it and then have it blend with your roots? Or is it pretty much impossible to find a color that matches your own so much that you can just let the 2 blend?
I probably could've found a haircolor that matched my natural color enough to let it gradually grow out, but I wanted to see what my real hair color was since I hadn't seen it in 15 years! Plus, whenever I colored my hair, it rarely lasted (since I never used that color-enhancing shampoo or color-preserving products--too much work!) so coloring it AGAIN to match my roots was out of the question. In the end, I cut off my colored ends, which was a good 4-5 inches. I missed my hair a LOT but am glad to be starting fresh. Now that I see what my natural haircolor is (with my 1st greys popping up) I'm really loving it.
i had highlights several times and i always come to a point where the different colors on my head get on my nerves, then i just pick a dark brown color and color my whole head. so that's how i go back to my natural color. tracy relies on textures and tones. i really like bigen hairpowder. but you can use anything that is low in ammoniak and moisturizing. hth:)