How do you feel after you cut your hair? Spinoff


New Member
I was just reading through another thread in which OP was feeling sad after getting a hair cut. It got me thinking about the emotions behind cutting one's hair. Being doing the BC or just cutting off one inch, some people feel empowered, others feel regret, while still others feel sadness. So my question to all of you ladies of LHCF, when you get a hair cut, how do you feel afterwards??

I usually feel a little sad because I get to missing the length and if I see someone with hair the length I used to be, I get a little jealous:ohwell:, but that lasts all of 1 day.
I usually feel sad because I've worked so hard to grow it and then to have to cut it. It doesn't last long, After a week or so I'm good.
I try to concentrate on health before length so focus on the fact that my hair looks and behaves better when I trim it. I trim on a regular basis now which has cut down on the total overall amount of hair I have to cut.

When ever I get it cut for style purposes, my reaction is always contingent on the effectiveness of the cut. I am very picky and hyper critical :lol:
If the cut is voluntary:
I feel better because my hair moves, flows, looks and feels better.

If the cut is mandatory because I singlehandedly jacked up my hair:
I feel sad and stupid because it could have been prevented.

If the cut is because someone cut it without my permission, or cut too much off.
I feel pissed and ready to fight.
If the cut is voluntary:
I feel better because my hair moves, flows, looks and feels better.

If the cut is mandatory because I singlehandedly jacked up my hair:
I feel sad and stupid because it could have been prevented.

If the cut is because someone cut it without my permission, or cut too much off.
I feel pissed and ready to fight.


Initially feels like my purse was stolen with $2,000 in it..hollow empty. But shortly after, I absoloutely LOVE the health and bluntness and wonder why didnt I do it sooner. Weird...
The times I've cut my hair is because I was ready to cut--and after each of those times I felt liberated!! It felt really good :look:
I was just reading through another thread in which OP was feeling sad after getting a hair cut. It got me thinking about the emotions behind cutting one's hair. Being doing the BC or just cutting off one inch, some people feel empowered, others feel regret, while still others feel sadness. So my question to all of you ladies of LHCF, when you get a hair cut, how do you feel afterwards??

I usually feel a little sad because I get to missing the length and if I see someone with hair the length I used to be, I get a little jealous:ohwell:, but that lasts all of 1 day.

Right now, sad, a little envious (like you @ the bolded)....but I'm dealing day-by-day.:ohwell:
I feel sad for like the first couple of days, then when I see how much thicker and healthier it looks, that makes me feel much better :yep:.
At first I felt like I had made the biggest mistake of my, I was like what am I going to do now!!!! But after about a month, it wore off and I got more comfortable with my hair...and NOW, I don't regret it one bit, I sometimes wish I had done it sooner. My hair feel really great and now has a fresh chance at better health.
As of late, there is something about scissors near my head immediately makes me sad... I don't like getting trims or anything. When I BC in August my natural hair will be longer than my relaxed hair had been in about 4 years, but I PROMISE I will be in tears... I'm just attached to my hair...

When I was younger, I used to trim my ends every 3ish weeks b/c Halle Berry said she did in some hair never dawned on me that she had a short cut and that was why!!! All that hair just cut for no reason...smdh. That's probably why I am like this now. (back then it grew like weeds though b/c it kept a nice amount of length in the non-LHCF world...)

I also have to co-sign on the urge to open up a can of whoop ___ for unsolicited trims/cuts!
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Well, I've only cut my hair once for a style - I went from APL to above the ears. That cut satisfied all my urges to cut my hair into a style from 1995 until now, and I suspect until 2025. :lachen: When I cut it that time, I felt good - I wanted the style, I liked the style, and it reduced the amount of pin-straight hair I had to deal with.

Currently, the only time I cut my hair is because I've done something to it that has jacked it up - last time I did a major cut was to cut the last of the bleached/dyed hair out, and I was soooooo relieved that I was finally DONE babying my ends and weeping over the horrible breakage.

I haven't cut/trimmed/dusted/touched a blade to my hair in almost two years now (I think - heck, it might be almost 3 at this point) and I'm happy with that. I occasionally look at my ends and consider trimming them - but I always change my mind, because they are still healthy, and I don't see any value in trimming them right now.

I doubt that I'll ever let someone else in my head with scissors.
I haven't cut in a few years. I got a cut when I was in the stylist chair watching another stylist cut a style and said "I want that"! :grin: I was happy with that cut. (went from APL to neck length).
But now, I may have to cut and am soo sad just thinking about it. I stretched for five months and decided to wash my hair and try to detangle. I must not know how to detangle properly because by the time I was finished (with detangler, condish and oils to help navigate my shower comb through the naps) I had two fist-fulls of hair (new growth with my wonderful ends attached) :wallbash:
I am in the BSL by Dec challenge, and before I "detangled" I stretched my hair and was beyond BSL. I haven't touched up my new growth, but my ends look terrible already. The thought of cutting it makes me :perplexed.
I will wait until the end of December to at least complete the challenge, but I know I will have to cut so I can get the health along with the length.
I am not happy about that at all!
Well in the process of cutting it I feel empowered or just thinking that it's no big thing. It's the afterwards that I get the "buyer's remorse/guilt" thing going on. Recently I cut my hair to even out the shape but the shape is still the exact same just shorter. I have no clue how that's possible so I feel like what was the point of cutting it. I get a little green and sad but now I'm trying to ignore my hair as much as possible until it grows again. But now that I'm not really feeling my hair I want to do something drastic that isn't cut related towards it. Perhaps dying it?
After I get a trim or a much needed cut, I normally feel good because my hair looks / feels healthier and behaves better.
I haven't cut in a few years. I got a cut when I was in the stylist chair watching another stylist cut a style and said "I want that"! :grin: I was happy with that cut. (went from APL to neck length).
But now, I may have to cut and am soo sad just thinking about it. I stretched for five months and decided to wash my hair and try to detangle. I must not know how to detangle properly because by the time I was finished (with detangler, condish and oils to help navigate my shower comb through the naps) I had two fist-fulls of hair (new growth with my wonderful ends attached) :wallbash:
I am in the BSL by Dec challenge, and before I "detangled" I stretched my hair and was beyond BSL. I haven't touched up my new growth, but my ends look terrible already. The thought of cutting it makes me :perplexed.
I will wait until the end of December to at least complete the challenge, but I know I will have to cut so I can get the health along with the length.
I am not happy about that at all!

Maybe things are not as bad as you think. Wait until after your relax your hair and see how it looks. You might be pleasantly surprised to see you hair at BSL with nice, healthy ends... :grin:
Euphoric, depressed, and mostly regretful:perplexed. Especially with my last 2 inch trim. I was so obsessed with having a blunt cut, I didnt realize my hair grew faster at the nape till I read about uneven growth.:rolleyes: I swear I could of been layered and waistlength right this second!:wallbash: Now that I know better, im going to hide the scissors until I reach my goals....
I usually feel sad for a couple of days. I constantly would pull my hair in the back to see how long it was.

I just got a huge trim (3") at my last touch a few weeks ago. I knew I was in dire need of a trim. My stylist turned me around in the mirror to show the ugly straggly ends.
I refuse to be waist length with ugly ends.

Now, I am SOOO in love with my ends. There is nothing like having healthy hair and ends.
My last hair cut took me from SL (almost APL) to ear length. I felt nothing but remorse. I haven't had my hair cut since then- going on two years now.
I feel pretty good about getting my hair trimmed. I get it straightened, so I could see my progress, plus a trim so it looks really healthy.

The only time I was ever devastated was when I got a haircut overseas. I asked for a trim and some bangs- so I indicated where on my forehead I wanted my bangs, and the woman cut the bangs then layered the hair on the crown of my head to it... I never had a bad experience with any hair dresser in the past, so I just let them do their thing and usually just sit in the chair with a magazine. Anyways, by the time I noticed it was too late. I was devastated, it stung so much I was surprised and felt so guilty for being so vain at the same time- Seriously, my chest would get really tight when I'd think about it.

Anyway, moral of the story (which is probably common sense LOL,) don't get trims/cuts overseas, esp. if there's somewhat of a language difference. Because many people say "yes" and really don't understand what your saying.

But besides that, I look forward to getting trims....I kinda do a countdown, Lol
depressed, then indifferent :lol:

it's no fun cutting up from APL to chin length. but my hair has NEVER been as thick as it is now. & i see it like this: this time, 2 months from now, my hair will be at least 1" longer than it is today. in a year? 6 inches. 2 years? 12 inches. every few days, another millimeter. i figure, as long as i do my best to retain every millimeter, in no time, i'll have a length i'm pleased with :)
Right b4 the cut I'm usually anxious and sad but after the cut my hair feels so much more healthier and full so that makes me feel better.
I would have to say it depends. When I cut my hair in 2002 to go into the military (I was not about to let them butcher it, they really give you a bowl cut), I was crying. It was sad for me because I was just starting to grow my hair out after keeping it in a bob throughout high school. When I cut it again in 2005 to break up with my then boyfriend because he was too attached to my hair (this was the only way to prove I was serious about the break that time -long story) I was feeling very vindictive but also guilty because my friends were very sad. I was the only one of them with some kind of length, they all said my hair had the potential to grow but I just kept cutting it. Some of them hadn't seen real length on my hair since I was about 10 (which is where it all started). I promised I wouldn't cut it again. If only I'd known then.... When I cut my hair this summer because of all the heat damage I felt liberated and excited. It meant a new beginning an opportunity to finally grow back the hair I had as a child if not even longer.

In the past when I would get trims I would cringe. I think its surprising in hindsight since I've been hacking away at it for a good 15 years.
Was that my BC thread :lachen: But anyways yea I feel sad because I have worked so hard to grow it and in my case the hairstylist cut waaaay too much of my progress so I was kinda depressed. However my motto in life is "you can't cry over spilled milk" so I just force myself to get over it and play India Arie I am not my hair over and over again.