How do you ensure you're getting product on the inside sections of your hair?


New Member
One thing I don’t think I’ve been doing properly, is moisturising my hair well enough once I rinse my dc out, or day to day –it is dense. How are you ladies doing that? I find it hard to part through my hair in general. And I wear my hair in a pony a lot. I’m sure the inside isn’t getting as much moisture.
Yup! what La Colocha said. I definitely use the relaxer method to condition and I definitely go section by section when adding in my leave in and sealing. That is the only way for it to get done.
I concur with all the other ladies. I condition my hair in sections and I moisturize my hair in sections as well. That way no hair strands go neglected.
I section my hair into four sections and actually start from my ends to my roots to make sure my ends get the most product. Then before I put my cap on, I do a quick massage of my scalp with the conditioner.
I usually split my hair into four big sections then split each of those sections into 2 when applying product...

I start from the ends, then smooth down from the roots...then smooth more product with the palms of my hands into my hairline and nape...

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SpeechieGirl, thank you. What about for daily moisturising?

Yup same thing for daily moisturizing I do it in parts, usually 4 parts. I concentrate on the ends not only to ensure they get enough moisture, but also so that my hair wont be weighed down at the roots.

My hair is really thick and the hair on the back side of my head is the driest. I always have to make sure I get those sections or my front sections will look healthy and hydrated while my back will look dry.
I make sure to section my hair off so that I get product on the most strands possible. I also make sure to comb or brush the product through my hair too.
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I part my hair in 4 sections, i give my roots the most attention because that is where it likes to tangle and is the driest part of my hair. I then smooth my length and get my ends last.
I moisturize and detangle in about 16 sections.
Before I start detangling each section, I moisturize/run product through each of these sections in about .5 inch rows and at the ends.
Hope that made some kind of sense.
I do my daily moisturizing with a spray bottle consisting of cold water, conditioner, and oils.
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Thanks to everyone who replied ! Lhcf has been running slowlyy for me, and I've been busy with uni.
I'll respond or thank everyone when I get the chance.
I usually wash and condition my hair in about 6 sections... especially when I am past nine months post-relaxer.
@AGrlCanMAC, @Amoreofcurls, @La Colocha, @westNDNbeauty -how many sections? Feel free to be as specific as you like.. I like the details

And @westNDNbeauty -I messaged you on yt before officially joining! (About the nioxin bliss, and how you apply that)

@bb09 - The number of sections I use vary on the product I am using and what method the manufacture developed for its application. If its a cream, no less than 8 sections and i still go within each section to make sure my hair is saturated. If its a spray, there are much more than 8 sections to ensure the liquid coats every strand. On my youtube I believe I have a video demonstrating how I apply conditioner using the relaxer method. YouTube - Deep Conditioning Tutorial: The Relaxer Method (My video quality has definitely improved. lol)

I apply Nixon thermal bliss in the manor described for applying liquids. HTH
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I part my hair in 6 sections OR apply products to wet hair, that way I can cover most of it easily.

My BF has short hair (6 cms) , he can't make parts so he just moisturizes the ends.
For daily moisturizing I just rub shea butter or whatever I'm using at the time between my two hands and grab a hunk of hair, start at the root and smooth down. The hair is smooshed inbetween my two hands so I know both sides are getting some. I'd like to say I make sections, but I'm way too lazy for all that everyday. When I'm washing my hair, my hair is already in sections so moisturizing then is easy, but for when my hair is dry I just try the best I can to get every piece, and then gather it in a puff at the end and brush some extra on the ends.
Op have you tried the sections yet? Id like to know how your doing with your hair.
La Colocha. I was meaning to log in yesterday, but the page didn't load. Anyway, I just posted my update pg3 - -My hair is not doing well. The thing is, when i'm trying to apply my dc, my hair breaks off in my hands when I apply it.. it’s a lot to manipulate it when wet, bcos the hair that sheds/breaks never stops, and I can’t part through it clean enough to apply the dc.

Matting wise –I only have 1 or 2 sections in my crown that are meshed together now :nono:.

Knot’s wise –it’s still as bad. The ends of my hair clump together when wet, and 1 knot= 5-10 hairs coming out. There is always more hair to come out. It doesn't stop! no matter how long I run water through my hair. They’re not all shed hairs either. That's the clickable link. Update on page 3.
And to actually answer your question:blush:, when i applied the dc, I felt I wasn't getting to all my hairs properly. It is So hard to part.

And when i fully airdried yesterday, my hair/head hurt after, when i separated it to moisturise. (The middle was still wet, and wet=breakage for me). So I'll probably spray the har around my perimeter next time. I couldn't part Through the hairs that were tangled. I could only apply con/leave-in Over those parts -say a 1inch section.
@bb09 - The number of sections I use vary on the product I am using and what method the manufacture developed for its application. If its a cream, no less than 8 sections and i still go within each section to make sure my hair is saturated. If its a spray, there are much more than 8 sections to ensure the liquid coats every strand. On my youtube I believe I have a video demonstrating how I apply conditioner using the relaxer method. YouTube - Deep Conditioning Tutorial: The Relaxer Method (My video quality has definitely improved. lol)

I apply Nixon thermal bliss in the manor described for applying liquids. HTH
westNDNbeauty, Thank you. I watched that vid again. The thing is, my hair clumps together at the end, or it'll get matted mid-strand. It's so hard to part through and apply product properly. I can only apply conditioner Over those sections, so i'm probably missing hairs.
I do this!

I could never get a moisturizing product throughout all my hair, without a big to do, so I stopped trying. I just cowash instead.
Dragon_Of_Vaeros, you've stopped moisturising? I know i can't, because when i let my hair fully airdry yesterday, it looked soo frizzy, and i had breakage to the touch when I applied moisturiser (con). What exactly do you do?
bb09, I'm not sure what you mean by thick hair (but I'll go look at your pics--sorry I haven't seen that thread yet), but this is what I call thick:


And when I moisturize, I do it in sections too, except mine are too many to count. I moisturize the same way I condition which is by parting a small section and smoothing moisturizer from base to ends exactly the way relaxer is applied to very narrow sections. Once I moisturize my hair after wash day, I do not need to moisturize it again until after I wash it. I am anal and like to be sure every strand is well coated so there's no way I'd be OK with just a handful of sections.

When I moisturize my hair, I also comb through from base to ends, in those narrow sections.

I just read about your hair breaking in your hands when you apply DC. I'm not sure why that would be happening, unless your hair is just so weak/damaged that it can't bear to be touched. If I wash my hair when not in mini twists or braids, I HAVE to use a comb. I use the comb to part out the narrow section, apply conditioner from base to ends and comb through.

From what you describe, it seems to me like you are babying your hair so much that shed hairs aren't being removed which then makes you panic if you see too may strands coming out when you touch it...when all it may be is just old shed hairs finally coming out.

I know people who never comb their growth which makes them turn into a thick bush that is impenetrable and I don't know if you're doing that. I think you should take the time to part very narrow sections and apply a moisturizer like S Curl (yes, I might be biased but I think this will soften your hair better than a lot of other products--especially if you baggy). If you go through your hair this way, you may lose a lot of hair but don't panic. I think it's just old shed hair. I believe the next time you touch your hair, you won't find yourself losing so much.
Dragon_Of_Vaeros, you've stopped moisturising? I know i can't, because when i let my hair fully airdry yesterday, it looked soo frizzy, and i had breakage to the touch when I applied moisturiser (con). What exactly do you do?

I cowash about every 2 days. After cowashing, and it is airdried a bit, I put on my leave-in (Infusium 23). And then bun afterwards until my next cowash.

Recently I've been using Hello Hydration.
Nonie, I don’t remember mentioning thick, but my hair is quite dense. I can't part through it though, more because particular sections matt sometimes, and when you have hairs tangled around each other, which stick together like Velcro when wet, it’s not easy.

I do get breakage when I part my hair to apply the dc. When I have to part –even with my fingers, I kinda have to pull it apart, so when I’m smoothing the conditioner in, there’s always breakage/shedding.

Thanks for giving me something to think about:yep:!!.. I do never comb my growth :blush:. But the thing is, I’m always separating it, particularly the NG and sections that matt. I’m doing it now with one hand, and i swear the same section is tangled. I don’t know about babying it though. I leave it alone. It takes a good 30mins+ /sometimes an hour just to fingercomb! I don’t think I’m doing it more than 2 or 3 times between washes.. Should I part, moisturise, then detangle the 1 inch section. Or detangle, then moisturise? I've been doing the latter, but I'm fed up with it, and ready to leave it and go bed. I’ll email you pics in a bit.