How do you deep condition?

How do you DC?

  • Less than 30 minutes, with heat

    Votes: 45 15.9%
  • More than 30 minutes, with heat

    Votes: 53 18.7%
  • Less than 30 minutes, without heat

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • More than 30 minutes, without heat

    Votes: 58 20.5%
  • Overnight with baggy

    Votes: 31 11.0%
  • With steam

    Votes: 31 11.0%
  • It depends

    Votes: 57 20.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I didn't see any recent threads on this. I'm just curious to know how you DC. I started out DCing weekly under the dryer for at least 30 minutes. That ended quickly. :lol: For the past two weeks, I DCed overnight with a plastic cap and twistie turbo. Which seems to have the best effect, DCing with heat or overnight?
It really depends on how i feel sometimes i do 30 mins and sometimes i do an hour with heat.
I do about 30 mins with heat.

Sometimes I'll wash it out right after, and sometimes I'll just leave it in for HOURS without heat before I rinse it.
I dc overnight with a cap as a prepoo and I also dc in the tub after my shampoo for 30 mins at least. I brought a steamer but to me it didnt effect my hair any differently than sitting in a hot tub and I find the later to be more comforting.
I've recently started my "home steam treatments" and they are the bomb!

I DC once a week. I have the perfect little head wrap I got from the Dollar Tree and soak it in water, put it in a bowl and microwave for 3 minutes. I put a plastic cap on and steam for 30 minutes. It leaves my hair feeling so soft.

Before that I still would DC once a week with heat. Always with heat unless I'm too tired to do anything to my head. I've DC'd overnight twice due to laziness
it depends sometimes I dc for about 30-60 minutes w/ heat and sometimes overnight w/ a shower cap.
All of them are options for me except for overnight DCing. It makes my hair mushy. I prefer to use the heat for 30 minutes because it gives me the best results, but I've been quite lazy lately so I just leave the DC under a baggy for a few hours. It works just fine. It really depends on my mood. :look:
I usually DC for about 30 -45min on low heat. Sometimes I DC overnite with Aubrey Organics White Camelia condish...mmmmmm:lick:
I do about 30 mins with heat.

Sometimes I'll wash it out right after, and sometimes I'll just leave it in for HOURS without heat before I rinse it.

I dc overnight with a cap as a prepoo and I also dc in the tub after my shampoo for 30 mins at least. I brought a steamer but to me it didnt effect my hair any differently than sitting in a hot tub and I find the later to be more comforting.

... I've DC'd overnight twice due to laziness

it depends sometimes I dc for about 30-60 minutes w/ heat and sometimes overnight w/ a shower cap.

It depends, sometimes I DC overnight, sometimes 30 min w/ heat, sometimes 1hr w/o heat...

I usually DC for about 30 -45min on low heat. Sometimes I DC overnite with Aubrey Organics White Camelia condish...mmmmmm:lick:

For those that have done both (overnight and 30 minutes with heat) which have you found to be more beneficial? I must say, my hair felt great the last two times that I just DCed overnight. I don't know if the product made a difference or not.
I dc overnight with a cap as a prepoo and I also dc in the tub after my shampoo for 30 mins at least. I brought a steamer but to me it didnt effect my hair any differently than sitting in a hot tub and I find the later to be more comforting.

OT: Your niece is soo cute!!! :yep:
OT: Your niece is soo cute!!! :yep:

Thanks...everytime I see new pics or vids of her I feel my uteris twitch. I'm telling you she is so sweet. She makes me want one of my own.

ok back on topic..I see the most difference with overnight dcing. When I wash out my con in the am my hair is so buttery soft:lick:. I love the feel of it. With overnight dcing I dont have to moisturise my hair at all throughout the wk.
I chose "it depends" b/c we weren't allowed more than one choice.

Sometimes, I do 30-60 mins with heat. Sometimes I do overnight baggying. Sometimes, I do 1 1/2 hours with a baggy while I workout and let my body heat work.
For those that have done both (overnight and 30 minutes with heat) which have you found to be more beneficial? I must say, my hair felt great the last two times that I just DCed overnight. I don't know if the product made a difference or not.

When I DC overnight I only use ORS replenishing, any other conditioner makes my hair feel too mushy... but I prefer 30 min w/ heat on dry hair
It depends. Mostly without heat, at least 1hr to overnight. I leave it in until my hair noticeably softens.

If I use heat I do the "home grown" steam method for at least 30 mins. I prefer wet heat. I rarely use the hooded dryer anymore.

Ms.Twana did you use the ORS replenishing to DC overnight? (I saw your post in the DC thread) I personally find that condish works best without heat :yep:
I choose steam, 20-40 minutes w/ steam and then I put a plastic cap on and let it cool for another 20-40 minutes.
Ms.Twana did you use the ORS replenishing to DC overnight? (I saw your post in the DC thread)

When I DC overnight I only use ORS replenishing, any other conditioner makes my hair feel too mushy... but I prefer 30 min w/ heat on dry hair

Yes, see I used ORS the past two times and my hair feels great. I've tried it with other conditioners but I don't remember the result (the main reason I need to journal :nono:).

DCing on dry hair is one thing that I haven't tried yet. I may try that next. What do you use when you DC on dry hair?

I ALWAYS DC overnight :yep: with a plastic cap.

What do you usually use?
I'm usually on the computer when I deep condition and when I'm on this computer time fly's! I end up deep conditioning (with no direct heat) for an hour or a bit longer than that.