How do you deal with nape hair?


New Member
I mean that little bit that is around the nape. For me it is really short. How do you control it, stop it from breaking and maintain a nice bun or updo. The rest of my hair is like 2-3 inches from bra strap (haven't measured but I think it is) and those hairs are like 2 to 3 inches long and the first to look nappy when time for a touchup. How do you all deal with those and better yet how do you protect them, especially during winter with the turtle necks. I think that was my problem.

Well, I will tell you how I dealt with my "kitchen". I used to be embarrassed to wear my hair up b/c it looked so bad so I decided to treat it like the rest of my hair: I trimmed it. Whatever I could gather in between my fingers once stretched, that's what I trimmed. You may be thinking, "it's already short and you want me to make it shorter???" But that's exactly what I did and now my nape is about to the top of my shoulders.

After I trimmed it, I moisturized it, twisted it and left it alone. When it grew just a little, I worked my fingers and braided it every time I did my hair (my hair was like yours, past my shoulders, so no one saw my tacky lil plaits
) and kept it moving. This is how I grew my kitchen. Like everyone says, moisture is the key and treat it like you do the rest of your hair. I STILL trim my kitchen occasionally and this is the ONLY area that I use a brush on. Also, keeping it plaited will protect it while wearing turtlenecks. HTH
Hi Joemerald,

I also have a story. My kitchen used to be really short but the rest of my hair was shoulder length. Whenever I used to wear my hair in a butterfly clip I used to wet the kitchen and hairspray it so it would stay up. This would work but it made it very dry and it definitely would not grow. I also had to put bobbie pins in the back to hold the hair up. Forget about a decent ponytail either. After I discovered The Black Haircare Forum,shortly after that I started using s curl as my moisturizer and let me tell you something it really changed the texture of my "kitchen".That along with regular condition washes.My kitchen became really soft and it started to grow alot. Now my "kitchen" is hanging down my back with the rest of my almost brastrap length hair. Gathering it in a ponytail? no problem, no kitchen back there anymore....LOL