How Do You Clean Your Flat Iron?


Well-Known Member

Im gonna flat iron my hair soon...i just want to know exactly how to go about cleaning it to avoid that burnt plastic smell.

I thought there was a thread about it but i couldn't find it. :ohwell:

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I don't know if this is the proper way, but I wet a towel with rubbing alcohol and then I rub the towel along the plates.
^^thanks! I just did it but with a paper towel and then i turned it on to see if it still smelled burnt.

No more burnt smell :) Cool!

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I use a baby wipe after the iron is cooled. I never have much product on my hair before flat ironing so it works well for me.
I just wipe it with a dry towel to get off some dust.... I dont flat iron with any product on my hair so there is no build up.
When I am flat ironing my hair, I sit it on a wet towel while I am sectioning the hair. Occasionally, about every two run-throughs, I wipe it with the same towel, so it stays clean throughout my ironing session.
I put some alcohol on a cotton ball and go over it to get all of the fried on product. Then I go over it with a damp towel. After that I go over it again with a dry towel. This process works very well on mine.