How do you clean your brush


Well-Known Member
I just learned a new tip and trick for effectively cleaning your hair brush. Just put it in the washer with the whites and a little bleach. It will get disinfected w/ the bleach and get sparkling clean with the wash. When the wash cycle is complete, let it air dry ---- VOILA a clean brush.

Anyone use any other technique?

Also how often does everyone clean their combs and brushes? I have to admit - I am not very good at staying on top of this like I should.
I clean my hair tools on a regular basis. To clean my brushes I bought a brush cleaner and wash with hot water.
hi curlee, wouldn't you be worried that the brush could damage you clothes? it sounds like a good idea but i would be concerned about my clothing.
Depending on the kind of brush I have to clean I will either use a comb (to get rid of hair) and some hot soapy water. If it's a natural bristle brush then I use some mild shampoo and hot water and air dry.
I soak my brush and combs in a tall glass of hot water & shampoo, rinse well, and let air dry at least once per week.
I clean my combs and brushes by letting them soak overnight in hot water mixed with 2 or 3 tablespoons of baking soda. You'd be surprised how much buildup you get off your brush this way.
Crysdon said:
I clean my combs and brushes by letting them soak overnight in hot water mixed with 2 or 3 tablespoons of baking soda. You'd be surprised how much buildup you get off your brush this way.

Good Idea! I will be trying this next time!
I usually clean my comb and brush everytime I was my hair, so about once a week. I just use the neutralizing shampoo that comes in my relaxer kit to wash them while I am in the shower (use the comb to clean the brush and vice versa).

Gotta try that baking soda tip though . . .