how do you break down your daily vitamins


New Member
Right now I'm taking Biosil 12 drops a day I divide them 6 day and 6 night. Biotin 5000 one tablet after breakfast an one tablet of the Nioxin Recharge. At night I take B50. I would like to add flaxseed oil and MSM but I'm worried if this too much supplements to take. I don't take any multi vitamins.
I take the GNC active vitamin packets and a hair, skin and nail vitamin once a day. I think I am going to increase my hair, skin and nail vitamin to twice a day.
I've been taking The 30 Day Beauty Secret for almost a month and I've noticed a difference in my skin it also acts like a multivitamin which is great:yep:
Right now I'm taking Biosil 12 drops a day I divide them 6 day and 6 night. Biotin 5000 one tablet after breakfast an one tablet of the Nioxin Recharge. At night I take B50. I would like to add flaxseed oil and MSM but I'm worried if this too much supplements to take. I don't take any multi vitamins.
I see that you take 5000 mcg of you think that 2000mcg of biotin would be enough? Should I do 3000 mcg.
I break mine up into two doses. In the morning: 1 Nature's Plus Ultra Hair Plus, 1 Kal Super Silica Plus and 1 garic oil capsule. Repeat before bed

OP do you drink protein shakes or anything? You can get flaxseed oil liquid and msm liquid or powder and add that to your shake. Less pills to take :yep: Oils are better taken in oil form anyway, quicker absorbtion and more with each dose without all the gelatin and stuff that's in capsules

I think it'd be fine to add more. You might wanna think about a multi to add to the mix, too. Does Nioxin contain msm? If so, you can pass on it, so that'll be one less thing to take. Sorry so long, it's late and I'm rambling :drunk:
Nioxin does not contain much biotin and does not contain any msm, iron or flaxseed oil, I will definitely try the msm powder I don't like taking too much pills. I would like to double the dosage on the nioxin but I'm hesitant to do so since the bottle says to take one, I read here on LHCF that many ladies have doubled the dosage they got better results.
I take it all to the head with some OJ every morning.

500 mg Vitamin C
1 spirulina tablet
B12 plus B Complex
MSM(3 pill for a total of 3000 mg)
I take it all to the head with some OJ every morning.

500 mg Vitamin C
1 spirulina tablet
B12 plus B Complex
MSM(3 pill for a total of 3000 mg)

I pretty much do the same thing. Every morning, I mix a 1/4 of tbsp of MSM powder into about 8 oz of OJ.

Then take one and a half tbsp of Flaxseed oil (straight), then a KLB6 vitamin softgel and an odorless garlic and parsley softgel with 8 oz of water.

I purchased all these vitamins from puritans pride.
Let me see:
NSI Multivitamin
Iron (the MV doesn't have iron in it)
Complete EFAs (Black currant/borage/fish/flaxseed oils combined into one capsule)-three of those
That's it. I was up to 12 supplements a day. WTH was I thinking?
It seems the features of the month are on nothing or very little supplements. Less must be more.
I take it all to the head with some OJ every morning.

500 mg Vitamin C
1 spirulina tablet
B12 plus B Complex
MSM(3 pill for a total of 3000 mg)

I'm the same way but I do it at night.

2 humongous horse pill multi vitamins
3 flax seed
1 b complex
1 5 mg biotin
1 GTF Chromium
600 mg Ibuprofen
taken with 2 oz of Goji juice and a gulpa gulpa of water chaser

My kids always seem to try and talk to me while I'm stuffing them into my mouth. I think they're secretly trying to kill me.

In the morning, I take 2 more flax seeds with my morning Diet Pepsi Max.
I pretty much do the same thing. Every morning, I mix a 1/4 of tbsp of MSM powder into about 8 oz of OJ.

Then take one and a half tbsp of Flaxseed oil (straight), then a KLB6 vitamin softgel and an odorless garlic and parsley softgel with 8 oz of water.

I purchased all these vitamins from puritans pride.

What is the garlic and parsley for? sounds interesting. I order from puritans pride too. I was taking their powder MSM. now I am taking capsules.