How do you avoid long unattractive hair?


New Member
Hi all,

I was on my way to work today and I noticed a few BSL and mid-back ladies. They all had thin lifeless hair and the ends were kind of see through. I noticed that some of the texture was close to mine.

How do I avoid this as my hair continues to grow or can this be avoided at all? I have thin/fine hair and it looks thick at the ends now but how do you keep it from growing thinner and longer?
I would say baby your ends and trim them when they start to look thin and ugly. Rollersetting also gives life and volume to hair.
I dont know how to avoid it but I really hate the way it looks. I just don't understand long hair with busted ends. Wouldn't you rather have healty hair than long see through hair?
To keep your ends looking thick and healthy, first, moisturize and protect them as much as possible, and secondly, trim as needed.
Probably not use alot of direct heat. I have fine hair and when I used direct heat alot my ends started to wear off.
Probably not use alot of direct heat. I have fine hair and when I used direct heat alot my ends started to wear off.

I agree. Remember that heat, combing, and generally not being gentle with your hair slowly chips away at the cuticle layers. And your ends are the oldest part of your hair so they have taken the most abuse. Be gentle with your ends, limit the heat, moisturize them, and keep them strong and protected and you should be ok.

Trimming for a blunt look will make your ends appear thicker but I wouldn't rely on that as a way to achieve thick looking ends. I think you should work on preventing the problem in the first place and then dust as needed. But that's just what I do.