how do u tell your stylist....


Well-Known Member
not to cut too much of your hair after your touchup.
My stylist loooooves to cut.Last time I asked for a trim adn she cut 2 inches.And another time she cut about 3.She said it is cuz my ends r dry from flat ironing but I have since stoppped doing that and my hair looks much better.

I have a suspicion she will still want to cut tho.She is that know-it-all type and u cant tell her no really.
I want to be forceful but at the same time not offensive.

What should i say?
If she thinks she's a know-it-all, then you may just have to come out and tell her, "A trim this time, not the usual cuts you've given me" even if it may offend her. It is your hair that she's cutting, so you have the right to tell her how much you want cut. I've been through this one a thousand times, and each time, I just got angry and left the stylist rather than discuss my feelings with them. There are some that just swear they know what they're doing and that you are always wrong. I hurt those type the most when I leave them, because in the end, it is our money that pays their bills, and nothing hurts more than losing a faithful customer. I hope this isn't the case for you.

With the last person that did my hair, she told me I needed a trim. I asked her first, how much of it was she going to cut. Then I told her about all of my bad previous experiences, and she was very assuring, and so I felt comfortable and everything turned out well.

I think you have to be upfront. If that doesn't work, you may just want to find another stylist to go to for trims (if she gets smart with you, nothing would hurt her more than going to another stylist in the same salon
), or buy yourself some good scissors and go for it (although the latter is easier said than done).
I asked my stylist to snip a bit in the back and to show me the cut strands so I could see that we agreed on the amount
to cut. It worked.
Good question Katie. And good advice Karonica. I was thinking of trying to trim my own hair instead of letting my stylist do it. But she will probably say that I didn't do a good enough job, or that she still sees splits. Truthfully, since joing this board I haven't had problems with split ends. I've been extra careful. But my stylist gets a 'tude if I tell her not to trim. I did this the last time I was there. Does anyone else do their own trim, yet still see a stylist w/o having him/her touch any scissors?
I think I will try what u said karonica.I cant afford to leave this stylist.She is one of 2 black stylists in my entire town.I went to the other 1 before and she was awwwwwful.
Dear Katie:
I know what you mean. Know it all-s usually know no-thing. Try to be direct without offending them.
I find that most of these people are disrespectful and will only do what they want with YOUR hair. I've been to many stylists over the past years only to find not one satisfactory. They all seem to want to cut your hair..not trim. The last one made it so uneven...last year...which was the "last" time I had any trust for stylists. No more hacking off my hair, I'm slowly getting it evened out every 7 wks. My fiance does it and is great, HE does it right. My philisophy is that the best hair stylist you could ever have is yourself. Not only was my hair cut "very" uneven, but there was other damage.
Not to discourage you, and I hope the same does NOT ring true in your case, but many of these stylists here are jealous
and will slowly damage your hair with cuts, chemicals, etc. and then expect a tip. Well, my tip is to do my own hair!!!

I will post pictures in the near future and you will see what I mean. I sure hope you find peace.
I usually just say I want a trim of the very-very ends. I hold a small section of the hair between 2 fingers and in the mirror I show them the amount I want trimmed, saying 'only this amount'.

That's worked. Although I think it helps if you've found someone who truly believes in trimming/dusting the ends as you'll never have that fear in the first place.
I have had better communication with my stylist when I stopped seeing her so often.I think when she realized I was not completely dependent on her and that I knew about taking care of my hair she didn't try force anything on me,we talked about it instead. I told her I was trying to grow my hair out and everytime she sees me she comments on the length. So now when she trims my hair,she is very careful because she knows my goals. She is on my hair-growing team!
I tell them 1/4 inch firm...if they tell me there is damage I say, I don't care...I just want 1/4 inch and smile. They usually do a little more...but I found the less you ask for the better....since their definition of a '1/4' inch may be 1 inch... lol
I do the same as sweetcocoa. I ask for a 1/4 inch trim and that's USUALLY what I get. It's just enough to make my ends look healthy and even without sacrificing any length.