How do I work with this curly frizz pudding?


New Member
Today I was given an 85% full bottle of Curly Frizz Pudding from a friend of mine in school. She said it didn't work for her, so I asked her if she could pass it on to me. She agreed. Sooooooooooooooooooooo
I am at home wondering, how do I use this? Should I put it on after I wash it? should I put oil on after I apply this? What do I do? I will post pics no matter the outcome..I will read your posts tomorrow morning and attempt ONE..and i will continue to try the other methods you suggest, until my hair feels happy. =)

here is a link
On TOP of your curl butter, styling cream but under a gel if you want to use a gel, otherwise it's the last thing to go on your hair. It doesn't have enough hold for me on its own.