How do I take my relationship with God to the next level?

Hey chicas here's another tip: The Lord speaks to you every day:yep:.

Yep, every single day, throughout your day, but if you're too distracted by the cares of the world (normal everyday stuff, relationships, work, tv, music, forums:look:) then you won't be able to hear Him clearly. That's why it's important to have your devotionals, (times set apart for you and Him) a few times a day EVERY DAY. One of the things He speaking to you about is the message you're about to hear during church service. He's preparing you for the sermons you're about to hear at church with scriptures He wants you to study and questions He wants you to think about.

The Lord also speaks to you EVERYTIME you enter church. You have to come expecting to hear from Him though. If you go just to go then you won't hear Him. He speaks to you about your walk and situations you may be going through at the time through the pastor or whoever is teaching that day. He may also speak to you through folks while fellowshipping or during meetings or ministries you belong to.

Just make sure whenever you have your devotionals or enter into His house(church) you come with an open mind to hear what He has to teach you and an open heart to receive it and change and grow in your walk with Jesus.
Hey chicas here's another tip: The Lord speaks to you every day:yep:.

Yep, every single day, throughout your day, but if you're too distracted by the cares of the world (normal everyday stuff, relationships, work, tv, music, forums:look:) then you won't be able to hear Him clearly. That's why it's important to have your devotionals, (times set apart for you and Him) a few times a day EVERY DAY. One of the things He speaking to you about is the message you're about to hear during church service. He's preparing you for the sermons you're about to hear at church with scriptures He wants you to study and questions He wants you to think about.

The Lord also speaks to you EVERYTIME you enter church. You have to come expecting to hear from Him though. If you go just to go then you won't hear Him. He speaks to you about your walk and situations you may be going through at the time through the pastor or whoever is teaching that day. He may also speak to you through folks while fellowshipping or during meetings or ministries you belong to.

Just make sure whenever you have your devotionals or enter into His house(church) you come with an open mind to hear what He has to teach you and an open heart to receive it and change and grow in your walk with Jesus.

What is devotionals ?
Please make sure you don't have something going on medically that causes the headaches when you fast. It can be something as simple as your body not being used to fasting yet which is common but please monitor it. Are you water fasting only? You may want to add juice not made from concentrate to that.

Ladies, if have a medical condition that requires you to not skip meals please don't do a 24hr. food fast. What good is it gonna do if you're sick. Fast all media instead.

Also don't tell anyone you are fasting when you fast. Don't lie though. If someone asks you if you're fasting it's fine to tell them but don't go around volunteering the info:grin: The Lord says if you make a show of it then you've already received your reward but if you do it privately and don't try to show everyone you're "suffering for the Lawd" and HE will reward you:yep:.

What is media fasting ?