How do I join Challenges and how do they work?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I know my profile says I've been a member since June/July 2009, however, I just became active for real on this board over the past two weeks. I wasn't even lurking before, I just joined and forgot about it. Boy did I miss out on six months of healthy growing! :nono: But hey its better late than never right! At least I could get this year off to a fresh start and actually grow/retain six inches/more to show off in my siggy next year LOL! Anyways I would really like to join a few challenges to help keep my inspiration up! Any suggestions of good ones? Where can I get a compact list of all of the challenges for 2010? Ladies who've successfully participated in challeges before how do they really work for you?

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First off :welcome4: I would do a search for challenges. To join you just have to PM the starter of the challenge or post to the thread. Different challenges have different rules and they're usually stated in the thread. I personally am doing the end of the year vitamins challenge
2010 Wig Challenge

water challenge

I'll add more as I find them HTH
Welcome to the boards, Softblackcotton! Here is a link to the list of challenges for 2010. I have joined a few myself (they're in my signature). I am pretty new to the hair growing journey, but I have heard and seen REALLY great results from the bootcamp challenges. HHG!
Twix you beat me to it lol

Haha, it's because I'm scatterbrained. I had to bookmark the link, because I'd remind myself to go through the challenges, then get distracted by everything else... and then I'd remember that I was supposed to be looking through the challenges after I closed all the tabs. :look:
Wow! Thanks this is great! I was able to join APL by Dec 2010. I am also going to join some others as well. I may look into the Boot Camp also. I am so glad I am finally making this forum useful!