How did you meet your Christian SO/husband?


New Member
Pretty much all stories I have heard of Christians meeting were through church one way or another so I'd love to hear if some of you met your husbands in a different way. Or maybe you and/or he did not become Christians until after marriage. Either way, I'd love to hear your story! Looking for ideas and hope!
We met at a block party on a college campus. Neither one of us were saved. I didn't know a whole lot about the Bible or being saved, but I did read the Word and I prayed alot. My husband was saved and baptized when he was in high school, but when I met him...let's just say he didn't spend a lot of time in church. The funny thing is that a few days before I met him I prayed that I would meet my husband. I vividly remember sitting at my desk in my dorm room, both feet up on the chair, looking out the window and my Bible open on my desk. I asked God that I would meet husband soon.
Pretty much all stories I have heard of Christians meeting were through church one way or another so I'd love to hear if some of you met your husbands in a different way. Or maybe you and/or he did not become Christians until after marriage. Either way, I'd love to hear your story! Looking for ideas and hope!
I met him when I wasn't looking:yep:

I had my eyes on Jesus! He was my everything and I didn't have time for any man to take that away from me. God saw my heart and gave me a wonderful man who loves Jesus just as much as I do....and, we met in front of the Church!

God knows what we desire...He said He will give us the desires of our hearts....single ladies...just keep your eyes upon Him and He will do it for you when you least expect it!

I met him when I wasn't looking:yep:

I had my eyes on Jesus! He was my everything and I didn't have time for any man to take that away from me. God saw my heart and gave me a wonderful man who loves Jesus just as much as I do....and, we met in front of the Church!

God knows what we desire...He said He will give us the desires of our hearts....single ladies...just keep your eyes upon Him and He will do it for you when you least expect it!


I like that you said that, I was going to share something on here about something similar that happened to me but wasn't sure 'cos it's a public part of the forum. Might blog it and make it private or just share it ... we'll see.

On the question, my SO is not a committed Christian (yet) so don't think I can answer.
We met at a block party on a college campus. Neither one of us were saved. I didn't know a whole lot about the Bible or being saved, but I did read the Word and I prayed alot. My husband was saved and baptized when he was in high school, but when I met him...let's just say he didn't spend a lot of time in church. The funny thing is that a few days before I met him I prayed that I would meet my husband. I vividly remember sitting at my desk in my dorm room, both feet up on the chair, looking out the window and my Bible open on my desk. I asked God that I would meet husband soon.

Great story. How long have you been married?
I met him when I wasn't looking:yep:

I had my eyes on Jesus! He was my everything and I didn't have time for any man to take that away from me. God saw my heart and gave me a wonderful man who loves Jesus just as much as I do....and, we met in front of the Church!

God knows what we desire...He said He will give us the desires of our hearts....single ladies...just keep your eyes upon Him and He will do it for you when you least expect it!


Great story!! Thanks for sharing.
I like that you said that, I was going to share something on here about something similar that happened to me but wasn't sure 'cos it's a public part of the forum. Might blog it and make it private or just share it ... we'll see.

On the question, my SO is not a committed Christian (yet) so don't think I can answer.

Of course, you can answer. :)
We met at a friend's wedding. I'm one of his nephew's Godmother and even though we had to have been introduced over the years, neither of us can remember meeting the other before the wedding reception.

The last thing I was looking for was a relationship and while I was seeking a better relationship with the Father, I wouldn't say I was anything remotely close to being saved. But after he invited me to attend church with him & his mother, the Lord got to working on me. Knowing my SO has brought me so much but by far the greatest gift has been supporting and encouraging me as I grow closer to the Lord and fostering a courtship with me.