How did you figure out what you are "supposed" to do in your life?


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I'm talking about major life choices, like careers, or location of residence. Did you feel led by God to do what you are currently doing? To live where you currently live? I've been going through some severe anxiety about my life path, and I know that I need to exhibit more faith about the future and stop stressing, but I'm having a very hard time.

Everyday I have a new idea of what I should be doing. I was hoping to be back in grad school this year, but it didn't work out as planned, and I've been having a hard time finding work. I don't want to be paralyzed by inaction and I feel like my next move regarding career,school, and poss. relocating has to be the right one. I'm getting older and I'm afraid of making another wrong choice in my life that will set me back.

Is it "un-Christianlike" to be so worried about things like jobs, career, and money? I mean seriously occupied with these thoughts. My mother tells me to pray about it, maybe I'm not praying hard enough, because I'm still so confused. How do you wait on God for an answer but still make moves? I can't take this anxiety. I pray to God for guidance, insight, a message in my dreams. Sometimes I think this is a lesson for me not to be so attached to material comforts and a controlled planned life, but it's very hard for me.

I know this is such a general question/and rant, but if anyone experienced this type of confusion and has some words I'd surely appreciate it!
I went through this, and to help I would suggest a book by Myles Munroe called the Principles and Power of Vision.
However what helped me with discovery of my life purpose was actually listening to what God told me in the first place. I was in a library at about 17/18 and God just dropped it to me. I didn't think it was anything at that point, just dismissed it and went on with what I wanted to do (or thought I should be doing).

2 years later in college, I was lost again and realised that what I wanted to do- well I didn't want to anymore... It wasn't for me.
So I called a friend and spoke to her about it and she asked me "if you could choose one thing to do irrespective of the money, or the inconvenience of difficuluty what would it be? And funny enough it came out what God had told me previously. She asked why, and I replied "because its the most important thing you can do".
Ultimately its not down to feelings or decisions we consciously make, but being in touch with what God wants from us, some find out sooner, others later, some never seek out what it is and never find it. Things that you are passionate about/ cannot stand may be clues to what it is you were made for. Yet, again, God has the final say. Search yourself, pray, and God will let you know. Seek (patiently) and you will find sis.
Really HTH!
And try to relax in the meantime, worrying can't help you, and it stops you (or is a results of ) not trusting God. Whatever you do in the meantime, do to the glory of God.:bighug:
I pray to God for guidance, insight, a message in my dreams. Sometimes I think this is a lesson for me not to be so attached to material comforts and a controlled planned life, but it's very hard for me.

I know this is such a general question/and rant, but if anyone experienced this type of confusion and has some words I'd surely appreciate it!

Praying for the answer doesn't always mean we will get a message on a plate from heaven. Sometimes, G-d places desires in your heart and talents in your being that will lead you to your path in life...the one He has prepared for you. Look into what you can do and what interests you. Ask Him to show you a way to accomplish that which is in your heart. You'll find your path.
Philippians 4:4-7 (New International Version)

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Just know that God has the plan as he stated in Jeremiah 29:11. Don't even try to figure it out all by yourself. listen to Him and He will lead you. Still though, be proactive, take assessments to find out what your strengths are career wise and ministry wise so that will give you some direction about what God has already placed in you.

You may find that you are already great at something that you do even though it's not your job. Or you may recognize that people around you are always confirming that you are good at something.
Thanks for starting this thread Duchesse. I've been struggling with this same issue for the past couple of months now...decision making! I'm trying to pray about it and "acknowledge Him in all my ways" and I'm still very confused about what's next (the grad school thing this fall also didn't come together for me, thinking of moving, trying to understand career "vision" etc). I realized the other day that half of the problem is that I get so caught up in not wanting to "make the wrong move" or make a mistake that I'm not leaving any room for grace. My friend reminded me of the verse in Joshua that says WHEREVER I go He will be with me.

Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Which means that even if I don't hear 100% clearly or get it 100% right because I'm simply human and WILL fall short, He will see me through all the way to the end. Mind you everything still hasn't come together yet for me, but it was a great reminder that God is still in control, so I'm putting one foot in front of the other, doing my part because He's completely committed to making up for my shortcomings.
Oh and wanted to mention that I don't believe its "un-Christianlike" to be interested in these things because they are vital and part of your ministry and how God is going to use you to serve others. The only thing is that in general God has to teach us how to trust Him, becuase no matter whether we have a "spiritual" or "carnal" desire/problem, He is Lord over everything in our lives. That's the biggest take away for me personally, that surrender and knowing that He's got me at all times.
I went through this, and to help I would suggest a book by Myles Munroe called the Principles and Power of Vision.
However what helped me with discovery of my life purpose was actually listening to what God told me in the first place. I was in a library at about 17/18 and God just dropped it to me. I didn't think it was anything at that point, just dismissed it and went on with what I wanted to do (or thought I should be doing).

Thank you for the book rec. Aviah! I think this is my changing what God told me to do a while ago...and keep trying to do things my way or what I think should be doing, listening to other people etc.
There were some things I just knew I was destined to do. Others I either stumbled into or it was suggested.

Like my Pastor says try something if it doesn't work then move to the next thing. Sometimes it is as simple as you won't know until you are in it.

I also took some of those personality and job preference test that took me to the area that was my strongest.

Wishing you all the best. No need to worry unless you are 80 and retired and still have no clue, even then it may not be too late! :yep:
Thank you ladies for replying! I'm sincerely taking all of your words to heart.

Teaching/writing is what I feel an internal pull towards and have a talent for, but I've let external factors and negative perceptions get me all confuzzled and let self doubt get the best of me.

I'm going to take a much needed break from the internet shortly to help clear up my head. I'm calling my church to see when their discipleship classes for fall start, and really get back involved, help refocus my mind and stop wallowing, and see if I can do some volunteering on the weekends, to remain active.

Blessings to each of you!
There were some things I just knew I was destined to do. Others I either stumbled into or it was suggested.

Like my Pastor says try something if it doesn't work then move to the next thing. Sometimes it is as simple as you won't know until you are in it.

I also took some of those personality and job preference test that took me to the area that was my strongest.

Wishing you all the best. No need to worry unless you are 80 and retired and still have no clue, even then it may not be too late! :yep:

Girl, I think I've taken every personality test known to man! I know every letter code and number percentages lol.They have been helpful and pretty much have summed up my interests and talents.

I know I need to relax and stop being so rigid about this "gotta be on time" thing. You would think I was about to turn 80 with how rushed I feel about having everything all planned out. Thanks, that's another reminder to just BREATHE...
When I was younger I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and decided I would do whatever God wants me to do. Had I known then the life's journey he would take me on in order to get to this place, I probobly would have been a little more decisive. Either way, I probobly would have ended up in the place pursuing this career because this i know this is what God wants me to do. I have never been more at peace with a decision, this is how I know i am doing what God wants me to do... i get a certain inner peace.

Its funny you mention this topic, I have come across several people recently who, with the recent economic downfall, are really assessing what they really want to do with their lives. People who went after the money and prestigous jobs and were doing it big, but they have realized they weren't as fulfilled and did not feel like they were making a contribution to the world. Losing their job was almost a blessing, so that they too could follow whatever God called them to do
i have asked for a clue, God has yet to give me one. i have no idea what i'm supposed to do and i don't care anymore. i DO know that what i do now is ordained by God and i keep the scriptures that tell me my authority comes from God Himself with me every day.

Matt. 6
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Easier said than done but true none-the-less. I think we all have gone through this. The ladies here have spoken well.:yep: For me personally I took assessments, talked to ppl, prayed, all of the above but I was first told in the 10th grade what I was supposed to do. I remember just feeling a different level of excitement whenever I took this class that went beyond me just liking school.I later acknowledged this was my soul speaking to me. There was something different on the inside of me whenever this topic came up. (Like someone else here said it is the thing I would do if I could if money were of no concern to me). I didn't like it. I wanted a job that would pay me oodles of money:greed: I didn't think God was concerned about what I did for a living. At that time I did not know work was also a form of worship and a chance to glorify God w/o saying a word. Anyway, I think it is great you have realized you need to do the thing God created you to do. He will see to it that your money is right b/c of your obedience to him in this area and you will enjoy your work. You will be fulfilled not empty and trying to figure it all out at 45 (disclaimer: Better late than never);).

I like the teachings of Dan Miller when it comes to fine tuning or discovering purpose too. He has several great books and resources including another survey. It was undoubtably the most accurate one I've ever taken.

As for waiting on God. For me it was/is a learning experience. Know that he loves you first and foremost. His plans for you are good. To worry, complain, murmur, are displeasing to him b/c it demonstrates a lack of faith, trust, belief in what he has said to you. It is you trying to run your life w/o him. Learn to wait well with a good attitude. Thank him for his guidance and will for your life. You are right on the money when you said you were planning to volunteer and stay busy. Keep exercising and reading, growing. You will it know when he speaks to you.
Best wishes...
OP, I am right there with you. Everytime I think I know something comes up to say otherwise.

Thank God He has put me out of some of my misery and granted me a husband. But I have no idea what kind of work I should be doing (I think finance but every door I have knocked on have been slammed in my face).

We are also trying to figure out where to live. We are not happy here and are thinking of moving back to DC because we have all our friends and some family there but we remember what we did not like about it... or move over to Tampa . . . but again, when we try doors are closed.

I am going to pray and wait but it is hard holding on sometimes.
Hello Op! and others. I guess, I will self-disclose my story.

I know that I am walking in my purpose and destiny in how God will use me and for that, I am so happy and grateful. I did not choose my profession nor did I have an interest in this, it chose me.

My whole life I wanted to be a nurse and as a child I loved to go to the hospital and see the nurses take care of the sick patients. I developed depression around 18 and I don't remember much of my life during the ages of 18-21 when I entered college and my grades suffered initially and I did not think I would not be accepted into nursing school so, I didn't try. Fast foward to obtaining a BS and working in non-profit. I was better and I wanted to try nursing school again. I had the prereqs. I prayed to God that if it is in your will, then I will be accepted into this RN program. 300 applied, they only accept 60. Well, I got my acceptance letter and I knew that God had blessed me and ordained me to be a nurse.

I quit my job in the end of Dec 04 and went into the program in Jan 05. I was exicited and nervous but I did not plan things out like I should. I struggled fiancially and my parents helped me out. I went through my first semester and worked in the hospital that summer and I was torn. My faith in God was not at the level were I could trust HIM to make a way out of no way and I dropped out in the fall and started back working. I got really depressed again because I felt that I had moved backwards and that God had okay'd this for me. I was puzzled as to why did God not allow for me to be successful? I did well in my classes and I was good on the floor. I had this, you know. Fast forward, I found a job in my "field" and I was working with a young lady who wanted to go to nursing school. I gave her the good the bad and the ugly. She applied and was accepted. -See, God used my situation to help someone else. Even when, we think we have messed up, God has a way of using us and our situations to bless others. She was successful in completing her program and another co-worker/friend. I was able to help them and give support that I did not have at that time of my life. They are working as nurses today. God is good!

So, here I was, in my late 20's trying to "get established" wondering what it is. I felt a calling of a higher need but I did not know what. I had thought of Speech-Language Pathology. I love helping others and I know that is where I needed to be. Well, after searching and searching there was only one thing that would work with school and work schedules and that was a MA in Counseling.

I never saw myself as a counselor, I thought they just give people advice. I didn't know much about it but I know I needed a advance degree if I want to do something. Well, I got in the program and after about a year in, It clicked for me, this is it. I didn't choose this but I believe that God chose this for me and I am going to tell you why.

In order to complete my degree, I have to complete an internship. I planned this out almost a year in advance and of course it did not work out this way. I was in the same situation again as I was in nursing school. I was without a job and was without one for 5 months. Don't you know that God has worked everything out from my fiances to food, to everything. All of my needs are met. God worked it out because being unemployed allowed me to gain my clinical hours and to do extra things to help the center and develop contacts. God set it up to now that I can work and I am working and I don't have much to do because all of my state and program requirements have been completed. I have a sense of purpose and peace and I love what I do. I have been able to help those who are hurting and the agency that I am interning at has been awesome. God has been in every facet of this experience. I have grown closer to God and my trust in HIM has increased because God has really worked on me in this experienced.

So, to sum it up. Sometimes you have to go with your gut and what the Holy Spirit is telling you even if it seems impossible or crazy. Once you step out on faith, allow your self to fall in God's embrace even when in the natural world the sums of the parts don't add up God can and will make it happen. I am so happy about what I am doing. I love it and it is perfect for me. I enjoy my work and my clients and God has already spoken to me about the direction I want to take my ministry because to me, counseling is a ministry. Proverbs 11:14. Where there is no wise guidance, the nation falls, but in the multitude of counselors there is victory!
I love this thread because for so many years, I have walked around like a basketcase being anxious and worried about what I'm "supposed" to do with my life. These ladies have offered some wonderful insights that I would like to add to . . . .

First off, the Lord speaks to people in many different ways. You may think it sounds crazy, but I have audibly heard the Lord speak to me about certain things. (For instance, I had a chance to serve in a leadership position in a ministry on my campus in college. My flesh did not want to do it, but the Lord clearly spoke to me and told me to "say yes" so I did. Well, that experience was not nearly as scary as I thought it would be and it was a real blessing to me.)

But, it isn't always this way. Just because He gave Moses a burning bush doesn't mean that you will get that same sort of sign. Sometimes God is subtle and you will just get a sense in your spirit about something. Sometimes, you will see things just start to line up and you will *know* that it is God operating and just confirming His word for you. (But not always - you know the enemy is always throwing up roadblocks and sometimes God may allow such challenges to come as a test of your faith . . . to bring you through with a testimony.)

But try not to feel too anxious (I know, easier said than done). During my senior year of at my Catholic high school, one of the nuns gave us these bookmarks that said, "God is willing to guide you, but you must choose the direction." While it didn't quote any scriptural reference, I really took a lot of comfort in that notion . . . that no matter what you do, as long as you keep your hand in God's hand, you will be guided, protected, and loved. (It goes back to the scripture Prudent1 quoted below: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34.)

Another thing I tended to worry about - and perhaps you might be too - is whether God will point you towards something that you think you won't be happy with . . . but even though so many of us have been given this image of God as a harsh, angry God who views His children strictly as utilitarian tools for doing His work, we have to remind ourselves that He is a loving father, our Daddy :), and just like earthly parents - being mere mortals - want good things for their children, our Heavenly Father wants good for us as well. ("If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" Matthew 7:11) Another scripture that backs up this idea is in the Old Testament. I first learned of it through a testimony by a student at one of our campus organizations who was struggling with whether to go to medical school. "Well, I want it, so of course, God can't want it, right?" But then the Lord lead her to this scripture (I highlighted the parts that are most relevant for this topic):
"Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits--who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases, who redeemeth thy life from destruction, who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." (Psalm 103:1-5)

I don't know if I am making a lot of sense, but I hope that somehow this is encouraging to you. Continue to seek His face and He will guide you . . . as long as you remain in His will, you will be just fine :yep: Oh, and here's one nugget that I had to learn - God has given us our brains and sense for a reason . . . sometimes, He wants us to make decisions and think for ourselves . . . to apply all that He has given us in His word. He is still with us . . . and will always correct our paths if we go awry. As someone who has spent most of her life being indecisive, this was a huge lesson for me to learn.

In this devotional book I've been reading (on-and-off for goodness knows how long :look:) there was this great quote about trusting God even when we're unsure of the outcomes in life:

"God does not hand out maps and a schedule of events. It's frustrating sometimes, but if we can ever get the hang of life as God intended, then it becomes an adventure to be lived instead of an unknown to be feared." - Angela Thomas, Do You Think I'm Beautiful?

Many blessings to you, my sister. I hope you enjoy this adventure!
Hello Op! and others. I guess, I will self-disclose my story.

I know that I am walking in my purpose and destiny in how God will use me and for that, I am so happy and grateful. I did not choose my profession nor did I have an interest in this, it chose me.

My whole life I wanted to be a nurse and as a child I loved to go to the hospital and see the nurses take care of the sick patients. I developed depression around 18 and I don't remember much of my life during the ages of 18-21 when I entered college and my grades suffered initially and I did not think I would not be accepted into nursing school so, I didn't try. Fast foward to obtaining a BS and working in non-profit. I was better and I wanted to try nursing school again. I had the prereqs. I prayed to God that if it is in your will, then I will be accepted into this RN program. 300 applied, they only accept 60. Well, I got my acceptance letter and I knew that God had blessed me and ordained me to be a nurse.

I quit my job in the end of Dec 04 and went into the program in Jan 05. I was exicited and nervous but I did not plan things out like I should. I struggled fiancially and my parents helped me out. I went through my first semester and worked in the hospital that summer and I was torn. My faith in God was not at the level were I could trust HIM to make a way out of no way and I dropped out in the fall and started back working. I got really depressed again because I felt that I had moved backwards and that God had okay'd this for me. I was puzzled as to why did God not allow for me to be successful? I did well in my classes and I was good on the floor. I had this, you know. Fast forward, I found a job in my "field" and I was working with a young lady who wanted to go to nursing school. I gave her the good the bad and the ugly. She applied and was accepted. -See, God used my situation to help someone else. Even when, we think we have messed up, God has a way of using us and our situations to bless others. She was successful in completing her program and another co-worker/friend. I was able to help them and give support that I did not have at that time of my life. They are working as nurses today. God is good!

So, here I was, in my late 20's trying to "get established" wondering what it is. I felt a calling of a higher need but I did not know what. I had thought of Speech-Language Pathology. I love helping others and I know that is where I needed to be. Well, after searching and searching there was only one thing that would work with school and work schedules and that was a MA in Counseling.

I never saw myself as a counselor, I thought they just give people advice. I didn't know much about it but I know I needed a advance degree if I want to do something. Well, I got in the program and after about a year in, It clicked for me, this is it. I didn't choose this but I believe that God chose this for me and I am going to tell you why.

In order to complete my degree, I have to complete an internship. I planned this out almost a year in advance and of course it did not work out this way. I was in the same situation again as I was in nursing school. I was without a job and was without one for 5 months. Don't you know that God has worked everything out from my fiances to food, to everything. All of my needs are met. God worked it out because being unemployed allowed me to gain my clinical hours and to do extra things to help the center and develop contacts. God set it up to now that I can work and I am working and I don't have much to do because all of my state and program requirements have been completed. I have a sense of purpose and peace and I love what I do. I have been able to help those who are hurting and the agency that I am interning at has been awesome. God has been in every facet of this experience. I have grown closer to God and my trust in HIM has increased because God has really worked on me in this experienced.

So, to sum it up. Sometimes you have to go with your gut and what the Holy Spirit is telling you even if it seems impossible or crazy. Once you step out on faith, allow your self to fall in God's embrace even when in the natural world the sums of the parts don't add up God can and will make it happen. I am so happy about what I am doing. I love it and it is perfect for me. I enjoy my work and my clients and God has already spoken to me about the direction I want to take my ministry because to me, counseling is a ministry. Proverbs 11:14. Where there is no wise guidance, the nation falls, but in the multitude of counselors there is victory!

Okay, your testimony REALLY spoke to me. Thank you SO much for sharing this.

"God does not hand out maps and a schedule of events. It's frustrating sometimes, but if we can ever get the hang of life as God intended, then it becomes an adventure to be lived instead of an unknown to be feared." - Angela Thomas,
Do You Think I'm Beautiful?

Many blessings to you, my sister. I hope you enjoy this adventure!

Love this...Thank you, thank you, thank you Glib for your entire post... It was very encouraging for sure!

It's funny, when I first posted this thread in Sept...oh boy...were those some anxiety filled and stressful days. I'm not saying that things are completely ironed out, but the path is clearer and it's finally sinking into my little head that life is a journey.

–noun1.a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; trip: a six-day journey across the desert.
2.a distance, course, or area traveled or suitable for traveling: a desert journey.
3.a period of travel: a week's journey.
4.passage or progress from one stage to another: the journey to success.

Thank you ladies for all of your testimonies! I know that they are reassuring to everyone who reads them.