How did you celebrate going natural?


Well-Known Member
How did you celebrate either the choice of going natural or your nappaversary?

I plan on taking swimming lessons! :grin: (I know, a grown a$$ woman who can't swim :blush:) I've always wanted to learn, but worried how I'd deal w/my relaxed hair. I am looking forward to swimming freely.
Oh wow I never thought to give myself a present. My one year anniversary is in September. Maybe I'll splurge on a hair product or buy myself another expensive bag. Either item will be hidden from my family LOL
I did'nt. I never really even thought about it.
I had a few relaxers in my life, but they just were not for me, so I stopped relaxing. I don't even know exactly when that was.

Have fun swimming and not worrying about your do! That's a great thing about natural, no worries of water and such...except for the chlorine that is.
I don't know if it counts as 'celebrating', but I washed my hair everyday for the next.. month? for the first time in my life:grin:
I am still transitioning but it is my hope that by December 2009, I will be completely natural. I plan on treating myself by purchasing a good quality flat iron:grin:

I suppose I could get one now, but it would be a waste of money since my plan is to wear my hair curly most of the time during my transition. (once completely natural, I will wear my hair curly during the summer and straight in the winter time)
Great responses ladies.

wow Samanthajones67, 10 years natural, nice! I hope you do something special.

Like some of you, I too am transitioning. Sometimes it's hard work. So I figure for not giving up it will be nice to reward myself.
Me too! It wasn't so much as having to deal with relaxed hair for me. But now that it is shorter, I feel like it's less to deal with, and might as well go with it since I know how to better care for my hair now. I am just now learning to swim too- at 29 years old, FINALLY going to learn to swim! :lachen:

How did you celebrate either the choice of going natural or your nappaversary?

I plan on taking swimming lessons! :grin: (I know, a grown a$$ woman who can't swim :blush:) I've always wanted to learn, but worried how I'd deal w/my relaxed hair. I am looking forward to swimming freely.
I didn't officially "celebrate" really but I will use any excuse to shop so I bought myself a fly pair of pumps.....Oh and currently I am a year and a bit of being natural..hhmmmmm maybe I should splurge on somthin since my one year mark as passed:grin:
Cute question OP ;)

I've had a blast buying tons and tons of brightly colored, bold patterned and exotic looking hair accessories, scarves and earrings with the $$ I would have been spending on relaxers.

It's something that I never really did before going natural and it's been so much fun!! :yep:
Great I'm not alone :-) ..Mshottienelson, when do you start your lessons?

I took swimming lessons 5 yrs ago when I was 32 so don't feel bad. Just make sure to put lots of conditioner before going in the pool, right after you are ready to finish swimming, and co-wash when you get home.

LynnieB can I have some of that hair? LOL
Well i dont know if im going to celebrate or not. I was going to set up a appointment with Groove/Robin. But ive noticed ive gotten really critical about who i let do my hair now. I'll be 1 year on August 20thI may just go and get it done up in a nice natural style at a natural salon some nice cornrows or something. But havent really even thought about it.