How Cetrimonium Bromide has given me life despite me trying to kill my own hair!


Darkside of the moon
I've been great but EXTREMELY lazy when it comes to hair care this summer. Doing inexplicible things like, not moisturizing and sealing at least every other day. Not sleeping with a silk bonnet. I can't even tell you the last time I washed and DCed my hair.

Yeah. Basically, I'm living mad trife, yo. If this was the Hair Care World Cup, I'd have at least 12 Red Cards.

But despite all of the neglect I've given my hair, it's thriving. No breakage. Very few tangles. Growing past bra-strap.

How, you ask? How can this be?

Cetrimonium Bromide.

This short-chain compound is found in Giovanni Smooth as Silk Conditioner, my leave-in/styler of choice. Apparently, it is small enough to penetrate into the cortex of the hair, leaving it healthier and stronger. And CB makes the hair lay down and prevents static electricity.

CB is truly a blessing for anyone suffering from dry, damaged hair precisely because of its penetrating properties. And it aids in deep conditioning at 95 degrees and higher.

Now, the cons of CB: it is not as moisturizing as say, BTMS. If you use CB please add some softening, lubricating agents like glycerin, honeyquat, EVOO, EVCO, or what have you. I add glycerin to my leave-in mixture and glycerin, EVOO and EVCO to my DC.

Please understand that I do not condone neglecting your hair and I promised myself to do better when it comes to caring for my hair. I promise to get back to M/S every other day and washing and DCing my hair at least once a week. But I am thankful that CB has prevented any setbacks that I seemed hell-bent on causing myself, :lol:!

Thanks, CB!
@JulietWhiskey is cb similar in properties to centrimonium chloride? I have a rinse out with cc and it's quite good.


Yes, it is!

I know that BMTS gets a lot of love on the board for it's detangling and moisturizing properties but for damaged, weak or fragile hair, CB and CC can't be beat because of their ability to actually penetrate to the cortex and make hair healthier and stronger by filling in the gaps.
My hair loves Centrimonium chloride, it's the ingredient I look for in my conditioners. It has to be high on the list too :yep:.
I have to check my products for centrimonium bcuz i get lazy too. Can u share other products that contain this ingredient, besides giovanni?

I have two products in my stash that have CC a Joico K Pak Revitaluxe sample and the Redken Anti Snap that I bought at DoDo's recommendation due to the CC content. IRC, she said it helps prevent heat damage when using direct heat i.e. flat ironing.

I'll have to be on the look out for CB when evaluating ingredients.

I learn something new everyday from you wonderful ladies!