How can you tell?!?!


"Honestly, Truly"
How can you tell exactly what product benefits your hair?

For example, if I do a co wash, some hot oil and a deep condition, how am I able to identify which products worked and which didn't?

I'm wondering how you all monitor this?

I've wondered the same thing as well that's why I haven't reviewed any products besides Surge. I don't know what "slip" is when some ladies talk about it and I don't know what products do what for my hair... I'm bumping this for more responses...
I started out by researching what products did what for our hair on the Internet (before the hair boards) and then I talked to hair stylists for predominately black clients about what they use on black hair and what works. That's how I discovered some of the Nexxus products. I only used the shampoo and moisturizing conditioner for a few years (Botanoil and Humectress). Didn't know how to use anything else until I came to the hair boards and learned about other products like leave-ins. I could tell the products worked on my hair because I was getting compliments and my hair felt better. I didn't know how to care for my hair yet.

Now I have confirmation that the products I used are good ones for me and after giving up the heat, I can really see what the products are doing to my hair. My texture has changed and I have only minimal shedding and no breakage. I can identify which product worked because I started out with just two, shampoo and conditioner and gradually added products, like the leave-in. So then I could see how and if the leave-in helped or didn't help. The key is not using all those new products or procedures right away, gradually introduce them one by one and wait. See how the hair feels and whether or not hair is breaking off or becoming dull because of a product. Or whether hair is thriving and is shiny and thicker.

Procedures like co washing and hot oil treatments are extras, IMO. I would get used to a regular regimen like shampoo and deep conditioning, perhaps a leave-in until I have mastered it and my hair looks great time after time. Then add something different like a hot oil treatment and see and feel what is different about that.
Some products you can tell right away that you will not use it ever again or that you and your hair loves it. At other times, it takes practice and patience. Again, get your basic regimen down first. Then one step at a time, one new product or procedure at a time and if it works, make it part of your regimen. If it doesn't work, it may not even be something you need to do.
I find that just by trial runs with product what I like and do not like. I know when I was trying out new leave-ins the watery ones like Infusium23 were too stick on my hair. The creamy leave-in made my hair soft and moisturized. I have also found some shampoos are much harsher that others. I really like Nexxus Luxury Theraphy it never made my hair feel dry other shampooing my hair. My hair just seems to response better to moisutrizing shampoo and conditioners. From time to time I still try new products. Right now I am trying out the Nexxus biotin creme. I just started two days ago. I will try it for about a month to see if I get any good results.
For me, I need to use a certain combo a couple of times and then rate it. Like someone mentioned above, its best to start out with a good shampoo and conditioner. You will know your hair likes it if it doesnt irritate your scalp or dry out your hair and scalp or leave your hair feeling stripped. Your hair and scalp should get clean but not squeaky clean unless clarifying. I also love Nexxus Therappe Shampoo and Humectress conditioner as a tried and true combo. My other favorites are Design Essentials Moisture Retention and Stimulations Conditioner and NTM shampoo and daily deep conditioner. I think moisturizing shampoos are best for our hair. Also, especially for the price, u cant go wrong with Elasta QP and CON.

As far as conditioners, You can tell when u apply them if they are giving slip(easy to detangle, can easily get your fingers through your hair when rinsing), also your hair will feel silky when rinsing with a good moisturizing conditioner. Your hair should feel soft when it dries.

Does it feel ok when u put it on and then make your hair dryer as the day goes on? Does it make your hair dull? Does it make it feel rough? these are signs its not working for you or that u should use less or use it on wet hair rather than dry.

So, after getting a good shampoo and conditioner, compare different leave ins and moisturizers for the best results as far as the look and feel of your hair.
Thanks for the responses guys! Very useful, onto my favourites this thread goes