How Can We Overcome This Sinful and Corrupt World?


Well-Known Member
Mankind needs to recognize that once an individual is clothed with the Righteousness of the Messiah, they have VICTORY OVER SIN (Isaiah 64:6, Philippians 3:9-11, Revelations 3:17,18). Jesus was born in sinful fallen flesh, as the Last Adam, a Quickening Spirit, as a remedy for mankind’s sin problem, reconciling fallen man from DEATH and the corruptibility of sinful fallen flesh; granting us VICTORY OVER SIN ( 1Corinthians 15:45-58 ). Christ’s identification with mankind in sinful fallen flesh will not be in vain as God’s Word will not return to him void, and He will not be mocked (Isaiah 55:11, Galatians 6:7,8). Jesus was born in sinful fallen flesh as a means of restoring mankind to its Edenic state, the very core of the redemption plan. Jesus was born “under the law”, made sin, to prevent us from sinning, Overcoming this World (John 16:33, Galatians 4:4, 1John 3:9).
Righteousness By Faith, An End Time Message (Romans 5:1-5, 8:30).

SIGNS AND WONDERS by Dr. Walter Veith
Thank you for this. You will never know how much I truly needed to read these words right now. :cry: I need to get on my knees and ask the Lord to clothe me in His righteousness. It is His sacrifice that makes overcoming possible.
We stand up for God most when we're on our knees, no doubt Divya. I'm encouraged today and felt the need to bump this.

God bless!