How can I thicken my hair....


Well-Known Member
without using growth aids? I used megatek for about a month and stopped because of lazyness so I don't want to use something that I have to apply daily. I consistently moisturize, deep condition and cowash so is there a product that I can use? Maybe a conditioner or moisturizer? Any suggestions will be appreciated!
i used to use Nioxin when i was relaxed. my hair is really fine. i also used to use Biostrand when i started growing my hair out and getting it stronger and healthier. i switched to Nioxin after that.
I believe that I've read somewhere that applying castor oil to the scalp will help with thickening your hair. Haven't tried it myself, so I can't comment if this helps or not.
do you mean more hair or more volume? if it's more volume then there are lots of easy volumising products but for more hair or thicker strands, several things come to mind that you may not want to use. Lots of ladies seem to get results with castor oil and coconut oil. You can probably add those easily into your current regimen.
do you mean more hair or more volume? if it's more volume then there are lots of easy volumising products but for more hair or thicker strands, several things come to mind that you may not want to use. Lots of ladies seem to get results with castor oil and coconut oil. You can probably add those easily into your current regimen.

I'm thinking about thicker strands. I've used coconut oil in the past and that didn't help with the thickening part although it's a great product. I will try the castor oil.
I mix 75% Body art quality Henna and 25% Indigo with Amla and conditioner.

I did this twice a month.


On IPhone, sorry for typos
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It seems like a lot of the ladies are using Henna to thicken the hair strands as well, though I've never hennas myself.
I believe that I've read somewhere that applying castor oil to the scalp will help with thickening your hair. Haven't tried it myself, so I can't comment if this helps or not.

Yup Castor Oil will definitely do it!!! I use Jamaican Black Castor Oil simply because it is less purified than other brands. I apply it twice a week. Once as a pre poo to my Entire head on Tues then on Friday I only oil my scalp and massage it in.

I have thick hair to begin with but it has gotten thinner over the years. Since I have been consistent with my castor oil regimen it has noticeably gotten thicker and thicker!

GOOD Luck!