How can I know what He wants for me?


New Member
Hi laydies,

I have a question. I was listening to a pastor today. And he said that there may be a certain time (long or short) between the moment that God make his promise and the moment that he realize his promise. He said that it's because God is the master of Time and everything happen in time.

My question is, how do you know what God is promise for you?

I know what I want for me in my life but how can I know what He wants for me in this life. For exemple I have been waiting for my husband for soooo long and nothing seems to come. And when I talk about it people always say that I have to be more patient (I am 25 year old and nothing happen) but how can I be patient if I don't know if God really want me to be a wife. I mean that someone can be patient when he know that something is about to happen but he only don't know when it gonna happen. But how can this person be patient if he don't even know if the thing that he is waiting for is gonna happen?

Some people seems to know what God whant for them and they know that they just have to be patient (Like they can ask a question and they will have the answer from Him). I don't know if I have this kind of relationship with God (I wish I could).
Sometime I feel selfconfident and I feel that God will make me find that special man, that special job...but sometime (more and more often) I think that maybe it's only what I want for me and that God never told me "this is what I want for you" (I feel like I only take my desire for a reality).

So do you know what is God promise for you and how can I know?


PS: if there's something you don't understand in my long message feel free to tell me.
Pray for clarity, wisdom and discernment. Get into your Word and in time, he will reveal it to you. Do you have any hobbies or anything you would do even without being paid for it? Styling hair, counseling people, dissecting cases, etc.? That's a start.
I am praying but I am a little lost. Sometime I feel like God wants me to go through this period because He wants me to learn something but I don't know what and I am not sure.

It's funny that you mention "counseling and dissecting", I graduated school last december I am a jurist and I am serching for a law firm so I could make my bar swearing next year. It's a good idea that I should consider more seriously.
My question is, how do you know what God is promise for you?
Not to generalize but we know what sort of things God has promised for us by reading / studying his word. There are many awesome promises there and the best part is that they are for whosoever will. Whenever I want to know something I'll do my own little bible study. Get a good KJV study bible, a good bible dictionary, and a good concordance bible like a Thompson or Scofield. Start by praying. Repent (again) and ask God to open your inner heart and give you answers and instructions. I often start in the back and look up by topic. Then maybe take one or two verses a day that pertain to the topic you have questions about. Speak those verses outloud especially when it seems to not make a difference. You will want to keep a journal of sorts. God has an interesting way of revealing things to you as you go about your day to day activities. You can jot down things he points out along the way for later meditation. As you seek God, he will be found. Just make sure you seek him on his terms not your own.:yep: I will post prayers you can pray b/c as Phynestone said, it is important to ask for clarity and discernment concerning anything you need/ want. It is God's desire to have his children well educated. Ask away, just ask respectfully end with the acknowledgement you want His will to be done even if it conflicts with your own. Not to worry, in due time you will start to want what he wants anyway- it's funny how that happens.:spinning:

I know what I want for me in my life but how can I know what He wants for me in this life.
Ask, ask, and ask some more.

I don't know if I have this kind of relationship with God (I wish I could).[/B]
You can. Try not to compare what you think someone else's relationship with God is though. That is ok for very generic purposes but anything beyond that:ohwell:. Your relationship with him will be like no one else's. You'll save yourself a lot of frustration with this one. Wish someone told me that earlier:rolleyes:. The promises of God are really for all of his children. He has no favorites and loves us all. He cares so much for you until he has custom plans he wants to share with you for your life and they are all awesome!
Just remember the Kingdom of God works on principles that are going to clash with what your head and your heart will tell you sometimes. The kingdom works on seed (in this case this is your study effort and other efforts you put forth to spend time and find out what God wants for you), time (We all love to forget this part.:wallbash: What is time to an eternal God?), and finally harvest (you get your answers/ you have learned how to hear God clearly when he speaks to you).

So do you know what is God promise for you and how can I know?
I know some things.:yep: Others are yet to be revealed. God tends to confirm his promises. They will always back up what already has been recorded in his word, the bible. Children study the same topics in school. They learn reading, sciences, math, etc year after year but more details of those topics are revealed the higher you go in each grade level. So it is with knowing what God's promises are and having those same promises become more well defined. Our relationships with God are personal. They are like marriages in that they constantly are evolving. Imagine if your FH told you he loved you on your wedding day and you both had a fabulous time. Fast forward 5 years. He hasn't told you or shown you any love since the wedding day. You confront him. He says you should just know b/c he married you after all. WRONG:nono::duck:!! Love is and always will be a verb. This Christian lifestyle is a journey. Changes will take place along the way. We have to stay focused and when we get side tracked get re-focused on Him. As you go along praying, praising, fasting, in good company, on the forum, etc., God will give you the desires for your heart. He places them in there (Remember me telling you a few lines back you'll start to want the same stuff he wants over time?). He can do this b/c since he created us, he knows exactly what we like before we do. If you are very analytical in nature as I am it is hard to not rely on intellect or emotions for questions we have for God. Let me say that you don't have to have all the answers to believe. If you have a friend who is critically injured and needs medical attention, would you hold up the process b/c you didn't understand the procedure the surgeons were about to undertake or would you think it more important to trust the doctor and get some answers later? Really in that scenario we might not care what they had to do as long as the prognosis was good. Don't let anyone interfere with your pursuit of a well developed personal life with your heavenly Father either. It will be the difference between eternal life or eternal death. As you go along your journey, you will start to see him move in your life. There will be no logic that can explain certain things. Those initial questions won't even matter.
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Your divine purpose
Dear Lord, help me, oh Gracious Father to not be caught up in religion, but to be caught up in spirit; Your Holy Spirit that I might be more effectual in my prayers and be obedient to You. I want to serve Your Divine purpose, Lord; and do what is good and right in Your sight. Allow me, Dear Lord, to live in Your Light and the Love that You have for me. Show me how to be helpful to Your Kingdom. Show me how to live a life of constant praise to You. Bless Jesus Christ’s Holy Name. Amen!

Hearing God’s Voice Prayer
Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father, It is written in Your Word according to John chapter 10 that Your sheep know Your Voice. Heavenly Father, I am (we are) one of Your sheep. I (we) ask You Heavenly Father, to teach me (us) to hear Your Voice distinctly and clearly according to John chapter 10. I(we) ask You increase Your anointing on me (us) to clearly hear and know Your Voice and not that of a stranger, I (we) ask You to do this in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Give me (us) the ability Heavenly Father to hear Your Voice, I (we) ask this according to John 16:23 in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen!
Testing the Spirits
Heavenly Father, it is written in Your Word in 1st John 4:1-2 that we should not believe every spirit but test the spirits to determine whether the spirits are of God. By this I will know the Spirit of God: for every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. Heavenly Father if You told me, “_________”, confess, “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.” Amen. (Explanation: If you believe the Lord has told you something, the Word tells you to test the spirits. If the Lord does not tell you that “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh”, then you have not heard the Spirit of God.)
Remove Any Deception
Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You through the Precious Blood of my (our) Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I (we) ask You to destroy and remove any deception in my (our) mind(s) in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name, amen.
Confirmation by Two or Three Witnesses
In 2nd Corinthians 13:1b, there exists a very important prayer principle about confirming to us when we have heard God’s Voice. The verse reads, “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” This works in the natural on establishing a testimony over certain matters (Deuteronomy 19:15) and you will find out that it works the same in the spiritual (2nd Corinthians 13:1b). We have learned that the Lord is consistent and does not tell one person one thing and then tell another person something else. For example, “Lord, did you tell brother Joe that we are to go to his friend and lay hands on him?” If I pray or you pray and get a “No” and you have made sure you are clean of sin, demonic spirits, no evil spirits in the room, you have tested the spirits (See Testing the Spirits Prayer), that your mind is not deceiving you, then let your friend Joe know that you heard the Lord tell you know “No.” Something is going on. Maybe, it is a no, not now. Maybe it’s a no, it is not necessary. Maybe Joe Has an evil spirit in HIS presence and is not hearing properly. Maybe Joe has it in his emotions or head, “well it has to be God’s will!” Let the Word from the Lord to You be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses ! Something is going on, seek God, He will reveal it to you !
Lord Help Me Prayer
We are not moved by what we see, hear, smell, touch or taste. We are not moved by reason. We are only moved by Your Spirit and Your Word and we know Your Voice, and we hear Your Voice and we refuse to follow strangers according to John 10:27. Our seed is mighty upon the earth according to Psalms 112:2. Lord Jesus, I ask you to expand my territories; to fill me and increase me in the Holy Spirit and anointing with power.
I ask You to lead me in paths of righteousness for Your Name’s Sake.
I Bless You, Praise You, Worship You, and commit all that I am to You, that Your perfect will be done through me.
I ask that You help me to cease from my own labors. I do so by faith.
I ask that You cause me to enter Your Rest now, in Jesus’ Name and I receive that.
I ask You to release my warring and ministering angels to minister and war on my behalf.
I ask you to fill this, Your temple; with as much Shikinah Glory as possible.
Help me to bear the cross You have prepared for me and help those in my family.
I ask that the Holy Spirit speak to my heart through Your Word.
I ask that You prepare me with reverence and worship, and with humility through Your Holy Spirit.
I ask that You take out of me, add to me or do to me; anything You want.
I ask that the Word I read would be engrafted into me and become part of me; spirit, mind, will and emotions.
I declare by Your power; You are helping and causing me to be bold, dauntless, fearless, confident, intrepid, valiant, steadfast, faithful, true and loyal for Your Name’s Sake.
I ask You to deliver me where I am blind, wretched, naked, and poor. I ask for your help.
I ask You to help me not be the accuser of the brethren but to teach others in gentleness, to be a help in season, to edify, to exhort and comfort others.
I ask for Love and Grace for others and Grace from You Lord. I ask for help that Your Love and Grace in me; flow and be administered to others by Your Spirit in me, to manifest Your Presence in and through me.
I release all things into Your hands and commit myself unto You, trusting You.
I ask for help, that You give me the Word that You want me to give to others.
Lord forgive me and help me to follow Your direction.
I ask that You would send those that would receive the gift of salvation to me, that I may witness to them. Let them ask and receive, Father!
I ask that You give me a clear mind and thoughts toward You, clear will toward You, and clear of all emotional clutter. (This is all about You. Hearing You is easier than thinking!)
I ask that You cause me to hear You louder and clearer, and rest in You.
I ask You to release Your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, with long-suffering, and self-control to flow over and in and throughout my life. (I ask You to fashion my heart like Yours, that Your fruit will abound in and through me to others.)
I ask You Father for a clear, sharp, and healthy mind and body in You.
Heavenly Father, I ask for Your perfect Will being worked out through my life and the lives of those that my life touch; as You direct me.
I ask You for eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to comprehend and receive what the Holy Spirit has to say.
I ask to speak and to do Your perfect will in this life; for You, for me, and for my family.
I ask You to guard me and my family with many angels and that they manifest as needed.
I ask You to make me alert, awake, sharp and attentive in Your thoughts and ways.
I ask that I may prosper in what I put my hands to do for You. I ask you to renew my youth like the eagles. I ask for a heart like Yours and growth and maturity to walk in it to the fullest with You; in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Holy Spirit have Your way with all of me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Heavenly Father, I declare Your faithfulness to the heavens and Your loving kindness and tender mercies anew every morning. Amen!
Heavenly Father, I ask that my mind, will and emotions do not deceive me in hearing Your Voice and be still in Jesus' Name.
Heavenly Father, I ask that You shut any doors that need to be shut and open any doors that need to be opened in the spiritual and natural realms in Jesus' Name. Heavenly Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over those doorways and ask that the enemy be rendered powerless and harmless so they can not come back through those doorways ever again; to me, ____,
____, and ____, our houses, lands, properties, vehicles, work places, schools, and finances in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Prayer for Mind Cleansing & Clarity
Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus Christ we ask You according to John 14: 13 - 14, to wash over our minds with the Blood of Jesus and cleanse out all darkness and all thoughts that are contrary to Your will and destiny for our lives. I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to shut any doors that need to be shut whether spiritual or natural, and to open any doors that need to be opened whether spiritual or natural in my (our) life (lives).
Heavenly Father, I (we) ask you to give me (us) and each person I (we) have prayed for today clarity of vision, clarity of sight, clarity of thought, clarity of mind, clarity of knowing, and hearing Your Voice according to John 16:23. Amen!
Thank you for your helpful post and the prayers.
I think that I need to improve my study of God's Words, pray more and for sure my relationship with Him will improve too.

Thank you so much
How do you get to know anyone? Spending time! Spend time in the presence of God . Not five minutes but the same amount of time you spend with friends. The more time you spend, the more you will know him. The more you know him, the more you will know his will.