How Are You Wearing Your Hair This Easter?


New Member
I'm thinking about wearing my hair down with loose waves or loose Caruso curls and a pretty flower (a real flower) :rosebud: in my hair to match my dress. How about you? Any special style you'll be wearing on Easter?
I think I wanna go to the salon and get a feather wrap, done with a rollerset and soft waves in front.
sassyhair said:
I think I wanna go to the salon and get a feather wrap, done with a rollerset and soft waves in front.

Yeah I'm gonna get a feather wrap too. I had one last year but it rained so bad I didn't even bother to venture out the house. :lol: Didn't want it to fall.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Yeah I'm gonna get a feather wrap too. I had one last year but it rained so bad I didn't even bother to venture out the house. :lol: Didn't want it to fall.

Where you go get yours done at?
sareca said:
Individual braids.
braid-out with a hair band...? braid-out with clips...? funky braid-out with out stuff???
hmm i guess ill be wearing some kind of braid out (you know just where ever the wind takes it) LOLOL.
Probably a twist out. I will be taking down by individuals then. I am thinking about getting a touch up for my graduation at the end of the month so I have to start preping my hair for that.
Probably pinned up or bunned with a hat. I'm in the Easter play and I know that the head wrap will miss up any hair do so it will be a hat, plus I am 10 weeks post going for 12 weeks
sassyhair said:
Where you go get yours done at?

Any hairdresser in town should be able to do one. I can do it on my own head. I was going to this woman at Royal Beauty at Security but she's not there anymore.
im getting that itch to straighten it again. its been about 2 and half months since i've used heat and my last cut. I think i'l straighten it and then get it braided until June....
I am going to get cornrows tommorow b/c I will be spending my easter at the beach.

BTW what is a feather wrap, and how is it different from a regular wrap?
Going to get my relaxer on Thursday (still haven't picked a salon yet...but that's another story). I will probably wear my hair down after my rollerset and wrap since I haven't worn my own hair down in months. My boyfriend will be here this weekend and would like to see my own hair down.
Flat ironed and probably in a french roll or bun.

It's time for a serious trim, probably about 1.5 inches.
ladylibra_30 said:
hi isis,

that idea w/the real flower sounds nice.

i'm doing a spiral set!

what is a feather wrap???

Glad you liked the real flower idea.
A spiral set sounds very pretty! I'm still trying to learn what a feather wrap is myself. There is a thread around here about it...:fan:
For the start of this month, I promised myself to start being more consistent with my hair routine by doing daily co-washing and wearing a wash-n-go. But for Easter, I have decided to wear a stretched out afro puff! :)
bmoreflyygirl said:
Yeah I'm gonna get a feather wrap too. I had one last year but it rained so bad I didn't even bother to venture out the house. :lol: Didn't want it to fall.

What is a "feather wrap" and can it be done a natural 3c/4a hair?
I think I'm going to wear a twistout made with bantu knots, if it doesn't come out they way I want it to the I will wear a bun.
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