How are you wearing your hair right now? (Part 2)


Sweetest Taboo
Straight! Not sure I like it though, not enough bend on the ends but plenty of shine. I had to give the bun a rest. :look:

So what style are you wearing today?
(no heat style)
I have up braids in the front with a bun....
The back down and curly.....

I just dyed my hair red, so try ot protect it.
Right now my hair is in 10 braids with tresseme vitamin E conditioner slathered all over it :lol:

When I rinse it out, It'll be a wash n go style (which is no real style, just letting it be :) )
Right now it's in a bun with one decorative chopstick. I usually wear my hair down, but I haven't washed it in a week so it's looking kinda blagh. I may rollerset tonight.
braid out hair pulled back into a bun. I don't even want to do anything to my hair right now, it is such a hassle to wash it, and then style?? no way! not right now :sleeping:
I just flat ironed my hair yesterday. Prior to that I was wearing the bun.... I guess I felt my hair need a bun rest besides I wanted to see if there was any growth progress. :D
I have in a full head weave. I used human hair in #1, and the hair is by Beverly Johnson-Spanish Wave 12".
I love it. :woot:
My co worker just told me that with all my hair my head looks like a capital "A"! :ohwell: Of course I ran right into the bathroom to check and sure enough it does! :lol: My hair is so darn thick, its like its growing out not down. Oh well....
The hairstyle I've been rocking for the last 16 months, a ponytail. *sigh* It's the quickest and easiest thing for me to do in the morning. I'm thinking about getting some box braids next month.
I see I'm not alone in wearing the dreaded bun on the regular. Be encouraged ladies, protecting those ends is well worth it!
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Ditto. Except I've only been wearing it for like 3 weeks. But enough!!! I'm doing something different this weekend.

SilkyandSmooth said:
The hairstyle I've been rocking for the last 16 months, a ponytail. *sigh* It's the quickest and easiest thing for me to do in the morning. I'm thinking about getting some box braids next month.
I am wearing my usually bun to work except I have a side bang and the ponytail is in a baggie and bun cover now.
my second week of wearing a phony pony in a bun style

I try to do the baggy at night, but it keeps slipping :(

I've been doing co washes for two weeks as well

my hair feels like velvet

I need anouther protective style

imma bout sick of this bun lol
simplycee said:
Ooooh what shade of red? Do you have pics? I've always wanted to dye my hair red.

The acutally color I couldn't tell you, but its a brownish red. Some ppl say it looks aburn, but who knows....
I can post pics later this week.
hmm... my hair was up, using one of those clips like you have in your album, Simplycee, hehe... my ends hidden away... but then my scalp felt so dry the whole day and it was itching really bad so i just did a CO wash with Suave Humectant. it feels a little better. i want to oil my scalp but i've run out of oil, i'm waiting for my order to come in... with the weather changing i'm going to oil my scalp twice a week.

right now my hair is in a wet ponytail, with the length braided and attached up, but it keeps slipping down...

Looks exactly like this, but my bun isn't as high on my head. The bun isn't that big either. Oh, and my bun looks totally fake because i have light brown highlights. The bun is one color and the rest of the hair (closer to the scalp) is another color. :lol:

I love styles like this. For someone as lazy as myself, it totally rocks. Besides, it's hiding my 7 weeks of new growth.