How Are You Increasing Your Protein Intake for Hair Growth?


New Member
I've learned that one way to get more protein is to take whey protein daily, which I prefer in a smoothie. Since I've done this (only a few weeks), I have noticed more tingling in my scalp. I'd like to think this means new growth is coming in! :lol:
I've been taking spirulina, eating eggs, tofu, texturized soy protein for more protein, for health of my body and hair. How about you? How are you increasing your protein?
I plan on eating egg whites with a handful of almonds in the morning and a protein bar as a snack each day for 2006
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Isis said:
I've learned that one way to get more protein is to take whey protein daily, which I prefer in a smoothie. Since I've done this (only a few weeks), I have noticed more tingling in my scalp. I'd like to think this means new growth is coming in! :lol:
I've been taking spirulina, eating eggs, tofu, texturized soy protein for more protein, for health of my body and hair. How about you? How are you increasing your protein?

I'm plannning for january to go back to taking 2 soy protein shakes per day and add spirulina, lecithin in it. get some protein bars and eat more protein rich food and drink msm/sulfur all day girl, i m going all out in the new year. i see that when i put the effort and dedication my hair sprouts! :eek: i need a high protein diet for my hair balanced with lots of veggies, fruits and nuts
Isis said:
I've learned that one way to get more protein is to take whey protein daily, which I prefer in a smoothie. Since I've done this (only a few weeks), I have noticed more tingling in my scalp. I'd like to think this means new growth is coming in! :lol:
I've been taking spirulina, eating eggs, tofu, texturized soy protein for more protein, for health of my body and hair. How about you? How are you increasing your protein?

Isis, what brand of whey powder are you taking? I hope this isn't a stupid question but, does it have any carbs in it? I'm actually on a low carb diet and I am interested in adding more protein to my diet/ I have been drinking the Atkins shakes but they are expensive!!
nelli711 said:
Isis, what brand of whey powder are you taking? I hope this isn't a stupid question but, does it have any carbs in it? I'm actually on a low carb diet and I am interested in adding more protein to my diet/ I have been drinking the Atkins shakes but they are expensive!!
Your question is a very good one Nelli711. I only eat the good, healthy carbs like all of the non-starchy veggies (low-carb) so I want my whey powder to be low-carb. I have Designer Whey right now which may still be $19.95 at GNC for a giant 2.1 pound bottle. It's supposed to be the best-tasting one on the market and received a Gold Taste Award. Since this is my first whey protein, I'm still researching this brand to make sure it's the healthiest one on the market. There could be something better out there.

Mine is called French Vanilla and it's delicious with 2 grams of carbs & 18 grams of protein per scoop (it's usually 1 scoop per shake). It comes in Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla Praline and another flavor but I forgot what it is. I noticed it has 7.75 mg of Pantothenic Acid (B5) which is great for hair thickness, zinc and many of the B vitamins.
Thanks Isis. I'm going up to the mall tomorrow so I will make sure I pick up some of that whey powder.
i thought about increasing my protein intake but i dont really measure whether i do or not. I just know that when I see that something i'm about to eat has a lot of protein in it, i'm like 'oh good'

hmm i eat a LOT of almonds. I'm addicted to them. They recommend eating 1 oz per day... I eat the whole box (6 oz) in less than 24 hours! :look: hm yeah, lots of protein and vitamins, but a good amount of fat too, lol. Thank goodness I eat healthy though. Hm I eat a good amount of chicken and seafood as well, but I dont' know how many grams. I usually drink either a Boost drink or Ensure, usually a few times a week, and tha'ts like 12 grams of protein or so.

The bad thing is, I eat A LOT of carbs! thank goodness i'm still young and have a high metabolism, but I wanna be fitter, so I wanna cut back on those now so that it won't be harder later. Tha's gonna be hard seeing how i'm from the Caribbean and boy do we love our white bread :ohwell:
Isis said:
I've learned that one way to get more protein is to take whey protein daily, which I prefer in a smoothie. Since I've done this (only a few weeks), I have noticed more tingling in my scalp. I'd like to think this means new growth is coming in! :lol:
I've been taking spirulina, eating eggs, tofu, texturized soy protein for more protein, for health of my body and hair. How about you? How are you increasing your protein?

More steaks, milk shakes, chicken and fish....and beans.
Nelli711, you're welcome!

Ladies, I love your comments. Great protein ideas. I haven't tried protein bars yet but I may look into them, maybe even learn how to make them. :scratchch

CarLiTa said:
hmm i eat a LOT of almonds. I'm addicted to them. They recommend eating 1 oz per day... I eat the whole box (6 oz) in less than 24 hours! :look: hm yeah, lots of protein and vitamins, but a good amount of fat too, lol.
CarLiTa, I too LOVE my almonds! I eat raw almonds which, besides protein are very high in iron, very good for our hair. The fat is the good fat. I eat about 4 - 6 almonds each day. I also buy almond cheese and made almond milk once. Very good stuff!
I've been eating more fish lately especially salmon, drinking protein shakes, and Bolthouse Farms makes a drink called Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea and Soy Protein, and I always eat at least 2-3 eggs about 5 days out of the week w/my breakfast.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
I've been eating more fish lately especially salmon, drinking protein shakes, and Bolthouse Farms makes a drink called Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea and Soy Protein, and I always eat at least 2-3 eggs about 5 days out of the week w/my breakfast.

I like Bolthouse Farms, mainly their carrot juice. I'll have to check out that Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea and Soy Protein. :yep:

I worked with a black woman several years ago with beautiful, waist length hair and it looked like a type 4. When I asked her what her secret was, she showed me a can of salmon and said she eats one can each day for lunch. And she did, I saw her eat right out of the can!
i will be monitoring my protein intake from the start of january. i'll be using raw nuts, raw salmon/tuna and raw egg yolks.
I've been eating a handful of almonds a day for about a 1 1/2 months now. I may have to add in some of the other ideas that you wonderful ladies have suggested!
divinefavor said:
I've been eating a handful of almonds a day for about a 1 1/2 months now. I may have to add in some of the other ideas that you wonderful ladies have suggested!
Hey divinefavor! did you get your hair?
indefinite said:
Hey divinefavor! did you get your hair?

Hey Indefinite! Girl, no!!! :lol:

I went into the BSS and the lady in there was talking about some hair that started with an "R". She says it's really good, but expensive. When I heard "expensive", I politely backed away from the counter and looked around the store for hair products. :lachen: So, I don't know what to do. I may have to just take my little cousin with me and she'll help me to pick out something. I just want hair that's going to last and won't look so fake, you know.
divinefavor said:
Hey Indefinite! Girl, no!!! :lol:

I went into the BSS and the lady in there was talking about some hair that started with an "R". She says it's really good, but expensive. When I heard "expensive", I politely backed away from the counter and looked around the store for hair products. :lachen: So, I don't know what to do. I may have to just take my little cousin with me and she'll help me to pick out something. I just want hair that's going to last and won't look so fake, you know.
That's funny! Good luck!
Isis said:
I worked with a black woman several years ago with beautiful, waist length hair and it looked like a type 4. When I asked her what her secret was, she showed me a can of salmon and said she eats one can each day for lunch. And she did, I saw her eat right out of the can!

salmon, eh? i eat a good amount from time to time, they have omega-3 fatty acids, or whatever they're called. would tuna be a good replacement if i run out of salmon? they both have a lot of protein.

about almonds, i eat the raw ones too. I don't like the fried, salted kind, yuck.
I am thinking about getting some of that Ultra Thick Hair Protein Shake from the Vitamin Shoppe...has anyone heard anything about this or tried it? How does it compare to the Whey shakes from GNC?
I'm going ot increase my protein intake by eating 2 hard boiled eggs in the morning with my meal replacement shake (I know the shake has 10g of protein), eat 1 can of tuna (or salmon since I just read about it on this post) with my salad for lunch, snack on raw almonds, and consume at least one protein shake per day.

Yep, I think that sounds good.

Who makes a good tasting protein bar? I've tried them before and they made me want to gag.
I plan to eat hard boiled eggs or an omlet for breakfast & tuna salad for lunch. I will also eat salmon or some other type of fish for dinner three times a week. I have some whey powder, which I don't really like on it's own. Maybe I'll make a fruit & soy milk smoothie and put a couple of scoops of the whey powder in it & drink one of those a day.
OMG Isis, I went up to GNC today and girl that whey protein that you mentioned was like $70!! Too much money for me so I picked something else. LoL
CarLiTa said:
The bad thing is, I eat A LOT of carbs! thank goodness i'm still young and have a high metabolism, but I wanna be fitter, so I wanna cut back on those now so that it won't be harder later. Tha's gonna be hard seeing how i'm from the Caribbean and boy do we love our white bread :ohwell:

Haha, tell me about that!
They used to call me 'breadmout' for that exact reason.

Anyway... for the last month, i've been eating 2 boiled eggs a day... sometimes i take the yolk out of one.. I also eat fish everyday for lunch... salmon or white fish..
haven't seen any (tremendous) growth yet.

i would love to increase my protein even more, but I CANNOT drink shakes. shakes of anykind make me barf :drool:

Is there anything else i could eat to get protein like that?
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I ordered the Ultra Thick Hair Shake from the Vitamin Shoppe...It was 18.00 including shipping..It only comes in Vanilla though which is fine with me.
2 cups of soy milk each day with a hard boiled egg as my breakfast and maybe a lil' cheese for snack.

They say your intake per day should not be more in grams than you weigh in pounds..........
I've been drinking a glass of soy milk each morning mixed with Carnation Instant Breakfast, but I didn't even think about the protein benefits. Hmmm... I'm also doing 1 boiled egg per day.

I thought I read somewhere that biotin was a good source of protein (especially if you don't eat eggs or red meat), but I could be mistaken... Maybe I should look that up...
CarLiTa said:
salmon, eh? i eat a good amount from time to time, they have omega-3 fatty acids, or whatever they're called. would tuna be a good replacement if i run out of salmon? they both have a lot of protein.

about almonds, i eat the raw ones too. I don't like the fried, salted kind, yuck.
As far as eating fish goes that contains omega-3, salmon is supposed to be the best source. There a many health benefits to salmon that tuna doesn't have.
nelli711 said:
OMG Isis, I went up to GNC today and girl that whey protein that you mentioned was like $70!! Too much money for me so I picked something else. LoL
No way!!!:eek:

Let me call them right now.

I just called Nelli, it's $18.74 right now at most GNC stores around the country for 2.1 pound size I mentioned.
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Championgurl - you're right about the protein intake in grams that shouldn't exceed our own weight in pounds. Too much protein can be stored as fat by the body. :yep:

Metro qt - Spirulina is a good source of protein. I take the Earthrise brand in tablet form.

Phoenix - I've never had the whey protein on it's own and I would think it would taste very bland. I make yummy, super-thick berry shakes or berry ice cream. Adding soy or any other milk is redundant and not necessary. :)
I have 1 yoke and 3 egg whites on my salad daily, along with fresh onions(sulphur)
2 servings of skin milk, 1oz cheese daily.
A handful of my nut mixture - almonds, pecans, peanuts (excellent for heart health!)
Whole wheat pasta
Whole wheat bread
Peanut butter

My fingernails are growing like crazy. I can't wait for my hair to start doing the same:lachen: