How are you all balancing friends snd your SO


Simply Komplex
As times goes on it seems I spend less and less time with friends and more time with my SO. I'm naturally an extrovert so this just kills my spirit. I thrive on being around other people. I have noticed that many of my friend girls that are not married yet but in relationships have pulled away from me and don't invite me anywhere because they assume I am "booed up". I feel completely lost. How do you all handle it.
You should keep in touch with your friends and invite them out at least once every couple of weeks . Having a partner should not prevent you from having friends .
I think it's natural and I don't sweat it. I think good friends accept and understand it. Most people go m.i.a when they start dating- all the pheromones and new discoveries and sex....but it comes back around after time and things even out (never back to what it was before though). Im in this stage and it is glorious! !!
It really bothers me when women do this.

One friend completely vanished. Last text 2.5 months ago was she met a sexy Italian. And that was it. No one's heard from her since. She doesnt respond to calls or texts. Me and our other friend are pretty pissed and have written her off.

This happens a lot with my other friends too and we are not 'young' women. They're in their early to late 40s! Tey leave and start new lives with these men, enmesh themselves in the man's social circle and family and come crawling back when it ends a year or two later :rolleyes:. Most times I want to hear nothing of them anymore.

I never lose touch with my friends when I have a man. I stay going out with them. It's just a matter of scheduling and rotating and maybe combining a few. LOL. My circle is much smaller these days so it's less hectic and a lot easier.
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As times goes on it seems I spend less and less time with friends and more time with my SO. I'm naturally an extrovert so this just kills my spirit. I thrive on being around other people. I have noticed that many of my friend girls that are not married yet but in relationships have pulled away from me and don't invite me anywhere because they assume I am "booed up". I feel completely lost. How do you all handle it.

You have to figure out what works best for you and move forward with your reality. I am more naturally introverted so I prefer spending most of my time alone, with my husband, or my family, and occasionally spending time with girlfriends. Everyone is different. If you are extroverted and thrive on being around lots of people you will need to be vigilant about scheduling "dates" with your friends. Your SO will hopefully be supportive of this. Ultimately it's about finding a good balance. Don't let having an SO "kill your spirit" :nono:. You can have both an SO and a nice social life outside of the relationship :).
You have to figure out what works best for you and move forward with your reality. I am more naturally introverted so I prefer spending most of my time alone, with my husband, or my family, and occasionally spending time with girlfriends. Everyone is different. If you are extroverted and thrive on being around lots of people you will need to be vigilant about scheduling "dates" with your friends. Your SO will hopefully be supportive of this. Ultimately it's about finding a good balance. Don't let having an SO "kill your spirit" :nono:. You can have both an SO and a nice social life outside of the relationship :).

I guess the need for a planner just got real. That was awesome advice. I'll just plan some time for the friends that didn't vamp on me and forget about the rest I'm assuming until they come around. I thought being engaged would be the happiest time of my life and while it is...stuff just got real as far as my inner circle. I don't brag. I don't talk much about the relationship. I just don't know.